This makes me really sad. I was really hoping that the horribly game-breaking (and bugged) original third trait on Maw had been some kind of warning sign against devour on skull damage. But I guess not…
I cetrainly hope this troop sucks in all other characteristics, 'cause otherwise it’ll probably start dominating the PVP meta pretty quickly…
Hi spoiler folks! I was wondering if anyone figured out the significance of “ColorOrange” under “ManaColors”. If it were always false I’d assume it’s just an unused feature. But as new troops are added, sometimes it’s true, sometimes it’s false, which makes me very curious.
Doubt we’d ever see another color. Would need to change the board size to maintain proper matching chances, and any change in board size increases the power for any row/column destruction spells as well as changes the dynamic for all “If 13 of X on board…” effects.
I personally feel it is in poor taste to repeat something back that was spoiler’d, omitting the tags; but since this sort of thing is “soft policy” here, I’m not sure if it constitutes bad practice.
Arcane Swamps why are those so heavily used? I can’t seem to farm enough of them… I would love to see a redistribution of stone costs… Plague + Vampire King are going to kill me.