(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Legendaries that are part of a newly released kingdom are immediately available in Glory, Gem, and VIP chests normally. Only when they are released as part of an event are they only in the event key pool for a week, and then not available for a month. Both legendaries here are slated to release with the kingdom (Jan 26) rather than the event (Jan 29), so both should be avilable through random keys, even though the kingdom release has been pushed back a few days so that both coincide (now both Jan 29). For precedent even with kingdoms that had two legendaries on release, see Glacial Peaks, which had Borealis and Mab immediately available (mab was the boss, but Borealis also appeared in the storyline). Makes sense, since a lot of Bright Forest brings to mind “what if Glacial Peaks but opposite”.


another useless opinion:

Jan 29th:
Enough Gold keys to ascend commons and rares a few rarities. (I.E. not too concerned about making Epic, Legendary, Mythics).
Enough Event keys to get 1 of each Legendary (traiting purposes).

Reason: Guild War stats

Feb 2nd:
Pull for Mythic and hope to get extra copies of extra troops.
Enough Event keys to make the Ultra Rares mythic, because I find them annoying to Mythic in random glory/gem chests.

Feb 19th?:
Whenever Tome of Evil becomes available in chests, pull the Gold chests to reach Mythic for the commons and rares.


This is a good one too. You are highly unlikely to get enough legendaries to ascend from your mythic hunt, so it is still resource safe. Then again, you could get six of one legendary to one of the other, but if you plan to ascend both that week either way, you’d still end up spending about the same amount no matter which order you do.

I chose Mammoth as my cut off for opening gold keys since I might actually use Mammoth, but I wont really use the Tome and I don’t need to ascend it very far for star levels. It is very possible we are heading into a cycle where commons are a lot more… common, to the point where there really wont be a good time to wait until all possible commons are in chests to do a mass gold opening. If that happens, you could very well end up waiting “just one more week” over and over again and end up with 70k+ gold keys like me.


According to the spoilers, there is one more Common coming in the next 2-3 months, so I guess it’s safe to wait one more week :wink: .

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Posting here because I didn’t want to clog the stream thread more and because I’m now at that stage of the night at 5am where I can’t sleep despite being dead tired (but will do so after this post anyway). So, what’s everyone’s opinion on Voice of Orpheus after the stream? Anyone else disappointed?

I thought he looked so good at first glance, but he’s not even a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none.
His damage is abysmal. It just is. Simply because he’s super-impractical to use, with him only having power based on how much Mana the rest of your crew has. With barely any Mana to go around, he does 20-30 damage. For 22 spell cost. That’s horrid. And who sits there in the endgame with full spells, waiting to be drained by Psion, Famine, Khorvash or Spirit Fox? Also if the rest of your team dies - and Voice is not a tank - don’t expect him to do anything of use. Nothing can fuel him then. Gargantaur at least gets “permanently” fueled by your dead summoning victims…

Conclusion 1: Voice of Orpheus needs an exploder to work with so that a lot of your team gets a lot of Mana of all colors. Converters won’t work as all your team needs to fill, not just one.
Conclusion 2: Voice of Orpheus is not a main damagedealer of any kind.

The five Mana he gives all around are nice, but, let’s be honest - Ysabelle does 5,5 on average for way cheaper (3-8 is more unrealiable than a flat 5, yes, but still more on average). Using them together didn’t work super-well, either; it’s not enough Mana being passed around to sacrifice two slots like that and 22 Mana cost for Voice means that he isn’t going to be filled by Ysabelle enough to make Mana-swapping worth it.

Conclusion 3: Voice of Orpheus is also not worth it as a Mana-giver.

Now, the cleansing is hard to value because, let’s be honest, we’re all scared of Faerie Fire (I think? I’m scared, at least) and he wasn’t previewed with BF troops yet. The cleansing might become very important. It’s hard to tell. But right now, the most ugly things are Freeze, Mana Drain and Devour and two of these things are not something he can help with in any way. He also won’t stop Goblins from looping or anything like that. At least right now, an offensive 4-match effect like Mab’s seems way better and I think it might stay that way. Given how much a Level 5 Titania owned last week on Stream while Level 20 Orpheus did not, I feel like the utility might not be worth it and just slapping Titania or Mab in to hit your opponents with Freeze/FF might be better than cleansing youself.

Conclusion 4: Right now, the cleansing is not that important. It’s unsure how much Bright Forest/Faerie Fire will change that.

So overall conclusion: Voice of Orpheus does a bit of everything, which is not bad, but since he uses three colors and has a 22 Mana cost, I don’t need someone blocking three colors so much for “a bit” of any kind. I rather have a dedicated damagedealer like Infernus (same colors as Voice) or a dedicated supporter like Aurora. I had hoped Voice would be a better version of Ysabelle… but not even that; since Ysabelle is so much cheaper in spell-cost she gives out way more Mana than him in total and her damage ability is basically equally awkward (depending on attack vs. depending on Mana), but at least she also gives some armor.
If Voice would also enchant all allies, he would be way more useful. If his base damage were a bit higher, too. But like that, you can only put him in last slot where he doesn’t block any colors for your damagedealers and just does his cleansing… and honestly… that slot seems so much more better used by Mab right now.

In the last match Salty did, where Worldbreaker and Orpheus remained, Worldbreaker did good… and Orpheus not so much. He can’t tank, he doesn’t AOE, the more of your allies are dead the more worthless he becomes (both in attack damage and his ability, since less allies = less cleansing, he himself is impervious and needs nothing there). And if he’s in fourth spot, he is very likely the last to remain.

tl;dr: Wow am I disappointed. What do you guys think?


I think he did bad because of who he was paired with. Valk blocked him and fed the others, there was no chance. I have setups in mind that will probably work well. Exploders will definitely be his friend. He’d fit nicely into my red gw day, for pvp at least i wouldn’t want to lose infernus for gw. I think he’d be great with tds and umberwolf. Put umberwolf last for his storm, and the explosions from tds will fill everyone, if not directly then from the cascades that follow. That’d set him up great. Of course i highly doubt rngesus will bless me so i’ll probably have to wait til i can craft him to test it.


While I agree that the teams were partially very weird, he did get attacks off in every match he was in and he never did stellar. I absolutely do agree that he could have gotten more shots off and that with an exploder by his side, he will also do more damage! But still… I would rather have Infernus by Umberwolf’s and TDS’s side than him. He’s just not useful enough compared to many other mythics.
People say he’s an opposite Famine, which is true, but the issue is that Famine’s spell does something good for you (drains enemy Mana, less spells for the enemy) while Voice’s spell basically blocks you from using your own spells, which is bad.
On top of that: If you want to maximize Voice’s damage, all other troops need their spells filled. What happens if they are filled? The free 5 Mana for everyone is lost. And the cleansing effect the spell has is already available in his traits to some (largeish) degree.

In my eyes, to have any sort of use, he should enchant all allies upon casting. That way, even if they get drained because they sit on their spells, they slowly fill up again. But right now, he’s just one big spellblock for yourself.

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1-He needs a buff a 2x for the mana of all your troops.

2-Spell does true damage.(sinergy with Emperor Korvash),

3-His cleanse should be on 4 matches not only yellow.

So for me he needs point 1+3 or point 2+3. to be a decent Mythic.

Also all Mythics troops that have Impervious seem to be weak and niche to use.


Even if he enchanted it wouldn’t do him any good because they’d need to be almost full for him to do significant damage. I honestly don’t know if i’ll try for him. I prefer aoe damage and he’s not a definite one shot. There are setups that will work in theory but it’s more hassle than it’s probably worth. Troops like famine and infernus set the bar high, and ketras is a better red one shot. He’s not the worst, but he’s nothing to write home about.


For PvP VoO is too defensive oriented and slows your battles down, so hands down useless for me in that aspect.
GW-wise, if I feared FF that much, would I sacrifice a slot that could be filled with other valuable summoner/AoE/mana generator troop? Because VoO is basically only useful for his cleanse.

If I’m so scared of FF on Red, Yellow and Purple GW days, how do I counter it?

Fireproof R Y P Impervious R Y P
Abynissia x x Dracos 1337 x x
Azura x Elemaugrim x x
Garuda x x Kruarg x
Goblin Rocket x x Manticore x
Gorgotha x Merlion x
Hellcat x x Plague x
Infernal King x x Scorpius x x
Moloch x x War Sphinx x
Ogryn x Wulfgarok x x
Queen Titania x x

Wow. You definitely can make a decent team out of those troops on any given day. Maybe add 1-2 support troops with no FF immunity.
I only need Voice to counter FF in GW, I don’t have too many problems with Freeze. So should I hunt for him? Mediocre single target damage, mediocre mana generation, takes significant slot that could be replaced with Infernus. FF won’t be such an issue (hopefully).

EDIT: Or you could simply drain enemy damage dealers. No spells = nothing for FF to amplify;
EDIT2: Added Queen Titania. The list will expand with more useful troops added to the game.

I think I’ll save my keys for something else. Knight of Anu, maybe.


Yup, and that him having Infernus’ colors doesn’t make it easier since it’s basically either him or Infernus.

Nah, Gargantaur will keep his throne for now. :stuck_out_tongue: Though I find both super-impractical to set up when it comes to heightening damage.

True. I just thought that maybe if they all sit on full and so become easy victims for Famine, Psion and friends, they’d at least have a small benefit in auto-filling again. But yeah, it’s not gonna make him very useful. I prefer AOE as well and if I have to live with less targets, I want it to be good like with Infernus or Khorvash. But Voice isn’t good. He’s basically forcing the rest of the team to dance to his tune (hahaha yeah I’m funny at 6:22am after a night without sleep…:zipper_mouth_face:) and with no good outcome to boot.

And it’s sad. Because before the stream, I was so hyped (in this thread, too) about him. I want to love him! He’s from my favourite kingdom! I love his art! I love what little we can already see in his art as lore (Manticore-fire)! I wanted him so badly to do well with Khorvash and Ysabelle and have a place in my team! I want him so, so badly to be good because I also love the idea of a support-mythic and because I love Ysabelle as a Mana-giver - which has saved me so very often. But… he’s just not good. He’s actually scarily like Gargantaur in spell-setup-stupidity when it comes to damage and only his support-extras make him superior.
And I’m so upset about it.:sob:

And now, after an all-nighter for this very, very sad experience, I shall have to leave and survive the day somehow. Hopefully with a nap in the middle.

Thank you so much for this list which must have taken quite a bit of time to make. This is very, very helpful! I might not have most of the mythics from the list (only Elemaugrim), but then again…we must not forget that both Titania and Glitterclaw, the two legendaries who will shower us with FF, are immune to it themselves. Titania is red/purple, Glitterclaw blue/green (so s/he would actually need another list).


Gargantaur will be interesting against raid boss


Definitely number 2, if he did true damage he would suddenly be much more viable.

Alternatively, (or as well as), have him use the mana from the enemy as well by either factoring that in to the damage, or stealing all mana and spreading it across your own team before hitting the target.


Enchant 1 member on 4 match would be better as a 3rd passive i think. And cleanse on cast.


I’d much rather keep the passive Cleanses from the trait, and have the ability adjusted to be useful. It occurs to me that a relatively simple improvement would be to change “boosted by all ally mana” to “boosted by all ally and enemy mana”. Then, the Cleanse part of the ability could be changed to…I dunno, Enchant if you want to keep it defensive while still not being redundant with the trait, or Silence to boost his offense while still staying with the theme.

So maybe “deal damage to an enemy, boosted by ally and enemy mana, and Silence a random enemy. Then give all allies mana”? I dunno.


Some math for the Bright Forest.
Goal: pull both Legendaries.
Chance to pull a LT from event chest is 2.4%.
That means one LT per 42 event keys (on average).

84 EK nets you 2 random LTs. Let’s call them Legendary A and B.
Here are 4 possible outcomes:
We want A-B and B-A and don’t want A-A and B-B.

That means if you spend 84 EK, you have 50% chance to reach your goal.

126 EK nets you 3 random LTs. 8 possible outcomes:
2 of them we don’t want to see. 6 of them satisfy us.

With 126 EK we have 75% chance to reach our goal.

168 EK means 16 outcomes, 2 of them being unlucky ones. 82.5% chance to win.

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So admittedly I’m still making my coffee, so maybe my brain just isn’t in gear yet, but how does that work? As a 51% chance is the barest “more likely than not”, then the number of pulls necessary before you’re “more likely than not to get a hit” at a 2.4% chance should be log.976(.49) = 29.4, so 30 attempts, yes? 42 event keys at a 2.4% chance gives you a 1 - .976^42 = .64 = 64% chance for at least one hit, which is neither “probably” (75%) nor “almost certainly” (95%).


Okay I added it.

Note that I also added a “Next event” column in “Kingdom” tab :wink: .


Technically, I should’ve put it this way:
If you somehow manage to pull 2 random LTs, you have 50% chance to get 2 different LTs. Same goes with 3 random LTs and 75% chance and 4 LTs with 82.5% chance.
What are the chances to pull 2 random LTs in the first place?

With 84 Event keys:
np = 84 * 0.024 = 2.016
P (k=1) = 2.016 * e ^ (-2.016) = 0.269 chance to get exactly 1 hit
P (k=2) = 2.016^2 * e ^ (-2.016) / 2 = 0.271 2 hits
P (k=3) = 2.016^3 * e ^ (-2.016) / 6 = 0.182 3 hits
P (k=4) = 2.016^4 * e ^ (-2.016) / 24 = 0.092 4 hits

EDIT: P (k>0) = 0.87;
87% chance to pull at least 1 LT

You should think this way:

If I open 84 EK:
I will pull exactly 2 *random* LTs with 27.1% probability.
And out of those 27.1% I have 50:50 chance
to get 2 *different* LTs;
I will pull exactly 3 *random* LTs with 18.2% probability.
And out of those 18.2% I have 75:25 chance
to get 2 *unique* LTs;
I will pull exactly 4 *random* LTs with 9.2% probability.
And out of those 9.2% I have 82.5:12.5 chance
to get 2 *unique* LTs;

There’s also 1 LT and 5+ LTs outcomes which I did not include.
Do you get it now? If you somehow get 2 random LTs, it’s 50:50 that you’ll get 2 unique LTs.
So your 27.1% chance will become 13.05%

Say, you open 100 event chests. And your fellow mathematician tells you that you have x% chance to pull 2 random Legendaries. But out of these x% cases we have 50% chance to pull 2 identical ones and 50% chance to pull 2 unique ones. That means x/2 % chance to reach your goal.

And if that mathematician tells that you have y% chance to pull 3 random Legendaries, only in 75:25 cases will you get unique troops. Your chances to succeed are [0.75*y]%.

To put it even more simply:
84 event chests will more likely provide you with 2 Legendaries. And you have 50% chance for them to be two different ones.
126 event chests will probably give you 3 Legendaries. 25% chance that it’s 3 copies of the same Legendary, 75% chance that it’s not.

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I’m not even reading this mathematical post. All I will say is this.
Over 50% of event keys do NOT give ‘event kingdom’s troops’ as listed on the chest screen. That’s a lie, or factually incorrect if you prefer.
Taking traitstones out of the equation, you have a percentage of between 22-24 to around 45-50 to pull ONLY event troops.
These are figures based on opening 4 lots of 50 and a 200, that’s 400.
Over half aren’t even event troops.
That’s appalling.