(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Okay, so a few more spoilers for those interested.

Ordered in intensity of spoiler spice: (You’ve been warned.)

  1. Future Troops: 5 Troops in the game files that aren’t visible in-game.
  2. Death: I like Death, like, a lot. More unique background from his apocalypse buddies.
  3. Weekly Event: Divinion Fields finally getting more troops! (Over a year since Bul’Tauros!)
  4. Another Weekly Event: More elves! Cross your fingers that they’re good/useful!
  1. Future Troops: There are way more than 5 + 3 in the game files. I see approximately 25 unreleased troops.
  2. Death: He uses perhaps the least interesting debuff in the game, so we’ll see. I much prefer looping troops, myself.
  3. Weekly Event: Yay!
  4. Aother Weekly Event: Depends on how useful the new status effect is, I suppose!

.5. 2 new kingdoms (one with 9 troops and the other with 8 troops)
.6. one will be THE Dragon Kingdom :wink:


This makes me most excited. I love dragons! :smile_cat:


Do anyone have a clue when Arcane Blood will return again, for glory?

Very soon.

Epic Elf
Witch Strike (12 Blue/Red)
Deal [Magic + 6] damage to an enemy troop. Deal double damage if the enemy is webbed. Web the enemy.
(Sturdy, Stalker, Arcane)
Something wicked this way comes…


Very nice, Lyya! :slight_smile:

That quote is so good.

So that means that the patch will come very soon ;-).

Is that troop marked specifically as an event troop? It could be the “free” epic for a new kingdom, in which case no 'stones for us.

I can assure you, they are not from a new kingdom. May the speculation begin!

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Derp. I got hung up on the new effect and assumed it (like mana burn) would be associated with the next kingdom.

Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but the image shown in the recent preview COULD be this elf (as an elf/weregare or something like that)… but I’m guessing you have another source to suggest it’s not. :wink:

Well it sounds like that Wicked troop is going to be a part of the Kingdom that will be receiving some changes to their existing troops.

I also look forward to the arcane blood(s). As @Lyya mentioned it, it may actually be in the next week’s event.

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Latest World.xml (text string file) contains the following new trait:

5% chance to Devour on Skull damage.

Honestly I hate this mechanic and I’m not happy to see it return in any form…


Considering the artwork that snuck into Groshnak, I can see where that trait would go


It looks like the worm from this thread will be using it.
So I’m guessing the hungry Maw child will be an Epic.

There’s some new troop art added, but it’s a rather suspicious amount.

3 new troops in Forest of Thorns, 3 new troops in Grosh-Nak, could it be?
Are we finally stepping up to 3x troops events? :open_mouth:

It looks like it.