(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Wonder if they will add a 6th power level once all/most kingdoms have 10 troops at 3250 points.

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Maw-child details:

Legendary Grosh-Nak Daemon-Monster
Abyssal Portal (16 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 1] damage to the last two enemies. If there are 13 or more Purple gems, summon a random Daemon.
(Daemon Bond, Regeneration, Voracious)
The maw the merrier.

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If you guys get x3 Troops before Console gets x2 I will give up all faith that the Console version will “catch up”


This looks like hell if you know what i mean. “we get all four horseman, time to get something that summons them”

I highly doubt the Mythics get summoned.

It’s probably the same list of Daemons as Daemonic Pact.

Unless they fixed it. That would be interesting.

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I hope it can only summon the mythics, would be nice cause they will be level 1 for most people.

Fixed it? Right now it’s balanced. Allowing Legendaries and Mythics to be summoned would be a HUGE mistake.

But hell, they brought back Maw as Maw Lite, so really I have no idea on the developers’ sanity.


I agree with this. I don’t think they should add summoning of Mythics. However, Sacrificial Priest already summons a legendary troop.

seems like natural progression to me, however whatever summons them should also be a legendary or mythic.

Sacrificial Priest only has a chance to summon Abhorath

The aforementioned spell only has a chance of summoning as well. That being said, I agree it probably won’t summon a legendary troop.

Although I would wish something else was in the place of summoning other creatures if it happens; I don’t mind it as long as they keep the same stats as the summoner at the time of the summon.

PS: summon, summoner, summoning.

Well it should be changed so the effect and the text match. Either say ‘summon X Y or Z’ or actually summon any of them. I’d be happy if it was a chance that scaled by rarity, although of course there are now four Mythics on top of the previous eight Legendaries?

As far as I can tell from how the spell is presented in the data, it literally will summon any Daemon, and not one of several from a short list. Of course, how it’s implemented in the binary files, I have no insight into, but my guess is that “any” means “any.”

The Daemonicon also presents itself as “any”, so I’ve serious doubts about a Mythic or even Infernal King summoner.

Presents itself how? The Daemonomicon’s spell explicitly is listed as “randomly summon one of these three troops by ID.” This Legendary’s spell is listed quite differently in the game data.

Could not agree more. Even 5% “Oops, I win,” and with no 2nd devour mechanic in the spell, is still busted.


Not sure if 5% will even be noticeable. as for a win condition poor, very poor.

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I’d honestly be happier if it was 10%. That was what we thought would be balanced for Maw… The thing is that 5% is so stupidly low that its impossible to use BUT also feels even worse to lose to.

Or, y’know, not have it at all. Not having it is good.