(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Only way it would proc is if it were combined with a skull spammer just like maw was.

It’s also on a summoner, which by being at the back of the deck makes a skull based trait less useful.

Somewhere, in a bedroom, a console dev wakes up in a cold sweat. He doesn’t know why yet, but the dark foreboding feeling tells him that his life is about to get much harder.


More troops coming means more Commons and Rares, if today is any indication. And…

These lower-rarity event troops… are starting to irk me. Rare is no better than a Common in this sense. Its fine for the lower-level players - which is good! - but for the 500+ crowd, its this troop we can’t possibly level/ascend to our standard for the rest of the month (until its actually added to chests). Seeing as we’re not going to spend 13,500 Glory for a Mythic-level Rare troop (or 19,000 if its a Common).

Even more annoying because I want to actually use that lizard. But its not worth that much Glory and having him on half the durability of an ascended troop isn’t going to cut it.

Waiting on system improvements. This wouldn’t be such a big deal for me if they were in chests - even just the week after!

Have you considered the possibility that they’re actually trying to deplete the resources of the members of top guilds, in preparation for the guild updates and guild task rework? They may not consider it desirable that a certain portion of the playerbase is never resource-constrained, and is able to immediately and fully ascend, level, and trait everything they release.


I really don’t like the direction of a 5% devour, it won’t be regular enough to count on, and in the rare instances that it procs, it will greatly swing the direction of the game. I don’t mind RNG in my games, but this is the RNG of RNG, and just bleh.

The issue with that theory is that it’s more of an inconvenience than a massive resource sink (if only because it seems extremely wasteful to tackle directly). Anyone who thinks as I do can just wait it out and use a bunch of chests when there are ‘enough’ new troops around - I mean, that’s what I’m going to do.

So if my level of resources is a problem for some reason (not judging, I have a fair bit) I don’t think that’s an effective way to solve it.

It will trigger a lot. 98% of teams with Maw Lite will also contain Bone Dragon.


It would require 20 skull matchs, on average, and with even a moderate attk that should kill most teams.

Because of the rate at which you presumably earn resources, any sink is simply going to be an “inconvenience”. Choosing to expend massive amounts of keys or gold to achieve your goals is depleting resources just as choosing to spend glory on reward packs. What’s important isn’t the amount of resources you have, but that they affect your choices. The problem is when you either have so many resources, or you acquire them so quickly, that you cannot imagine running out, and thus they are effectively infinite and have no impact on your choices. Like treasure maps.

When you make Skull clusters they count as multiple matches and it is suspected that the percentages stack in this scenario.

Why people freak out at 5% devour of skull damage?
Impervious will block it and we even got cheap troop that can be put in front.

Team-rearranging spells are becoming more common, so putting a troop in front isn’t always going to help you. And no matter how low the chance is listed, it still has the potential to chain-skull-match-devour through an entire team, which will feel like it happens entirely too often. The lower the stated chance, the more frustrating it will be when it inevitably does happen.


Well, first opponent needs to fill team-rearranger and skull spammer, so you have enough time to kill troop/finish match.

Dust Devil has Empowered, and so does Mercy.

Damn, if we only had a troop, that can drain mana on first turn.
Wow, what a coincidence it’s the same cheap troop, that is immune to devour. What a shock!!!

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Nerf it!!!


Thinking about a Dust Devil, MiniMaw, Infernal King, Mercy team. Which of Dust Devil or Mercy are you going to target with your one cast? (Obviously Dust Devil, since you can usually prevent Mercy from going crazy on the first turn. But still.) And Dust Devil is mostly expendable in this role; apparently MiniMaw is a summoner, so that empty troop slot up front will be filled somewhat regularly.

You can rearrange your team so that Dust Devil cast will result in correct order.

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Well, there’s a small fault in that logic - AI not always fire the DD (or anything else of course) ASAP. Never if there is a Skull match to make and sometimes even when there isn’t.