**✨**Asha's World is looking for new members**✨**(29/30) 1 spot open

1 spot will be open on sunday,welcome to join us.:smile:

If you don’t mind, i’ll be happy to join you this week end.

of course,friend.canyou tell me your Hero level and Kingdom level info?

I’m a new player (started 8 day ago). I’m lvl 98, my kingdom are all lvl 7, this week my stat are 120 000 g/1500s / 894t. I’ll share 500k gold with the guild, don’t worry.

i’ll contact you on Sunday,friend.

thank you, see you on sunday, friend.

2 spot open now,come to join us,friend:grin:

You can invite me when you want, i left my past guild yesterday.

i’ll send a invite to you as soon,maybe 6 hours later.:grinning:

invite sent,welcome to join us. :smiley:

1 spot still open,come on,friend.

:smile:1 spot open now,Join us soon:yum:

1spot waiting for you,friend😽

1 seat will be open on sunday.welcome to join us.:smile:


Melissa Sorry I join the others guild

i’ll send a invite on sunday if you still wait to join us.:smiley:

1 spot open now :smile:

Please invite me.

Invite code: yannnancy

glad to hear that.canyou tell me your hero level and kingdom level info before i send a invite to you?

I just hit 200.

14 kingdoms at 10 and 13 at 5*