
Yes, they count as usual skulls.

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I get why there isn’t a legendary this month and this is hopelessly entitled but after so many weeks where we get 2 or more troops, it feels really boring to be in a week with just the glory troop.

Hmm… looks like it does in 0.25 speed. Sorry.
Thanks for the correction. Fixed the original post.

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It’s actually even better than I thought, since the gem creation happens between exploding the gem and resolving the board, which means it’s more likely to create a 4/5 match since they’re filling a smaller space.

Immunity to stun is perfect in a Titan-rich environment, as well. I think it’s a great alternative to Forest Troll, which doesn’t require a lot of green gems to already be present - a game-changer, in other words :stuck_out_tongue:.

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With only 2 skulls, you will get an extra turn if you select a spot with almost no green, so that the new gems are concentrated around existing greens.

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Still very useless troop imo. Lot of troop explode and do more things to help you

In the first week of Feb we will be getting 7 new troops which more than makes up for this week. I don’t mind the occasional week of only 1 new troop. I just wish there was a weekend event every weekend.

Oh gosh no!

The weekdays are when I play GoW because by the time I get home there’s not enough time to go out and do things.

The weekend is when I go do the things that working through the week pays for.

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Yeah but you have 72 hrs and can do the event whenever you choose during that time.