Originally published at: https://gemsofwar.com/shellshocked/
Turtle Cannon will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.
Originally published at: https://gemsofwar.com/shellshocked/
Turtle Cannon will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.
My turn first
Boost ratio is 3x per skull.
This troop is weird, it look like Adana troop, might also fit in Blackhawk
Where’s the legendary though?
We’ve always had a legendary during GW (as far as i remember).
Also, the argument that kingdoms can only have 2 legendaries, is debunked by adana/bright forest/grosh’nak, soon to be forest of thorns.
I can live without a new legendary this time. We’ll see more 3 legendary kingdoms soon enough.
It’s not a rule written in stone that there is always a legendary release with Guild Wars. We had a lot of legendary troops release in the second half of 2018, so it can be nice to take a break. (It also means you all have more time to hoard resources!)
It also mean you got more time to design it and not just clone another troop
@Tacet thank you for the boost ratio . @Saltypatra do you know if it would be possible to include the boost ratio in the graphic in the future?
It could even be just in the spell text, e.g. “… boosted by Skulls destroyed (3x).”
Yep gotta slow down
Otherwise we might get all the kingdoms to level 10 before ps5 comes out
And all to level 20 by the time we have computers implanted in our skulls
When I saw the next pet (really cute artwork again ), I thought it will be about Adana too.
But strange is, that there is a background of Merlantis. So Water + Iron? Call King Highforge already, there is something to repair pretty soon!
Water and iron? His name has to be Rusty.
What a lousy troop, canon doesn’t even damage a troop…
On the other hand, can create up to 22(?) Green gems - but let’s say 10-13 on average. I’m kind of a fan of these ‘create X gems boosted by Y’ troops/weapons, e.g. Sky Hero, Vanguard, Urska Druid. Would be nice if it did something else, too, though (not sure if tanking counts), e.g. damage (as mentioned), or stun, or similar. Beast/Construct is pretty interesting, though, and Beasts can really do with the Green mana generation.
The most gems it can create is 19, if the skulls are aligned in an X shape. Any arrangement of 6 or more skulls in a 3x3 space guarantees a 3-match.
Edit: I saw that, @awryan.
Edit again: I am wrong!
I forgot the middle skull.
I thought that, at first, too, but -
Is that right? I only did it in my head, which is why I had the ‘(?)’, and I still feel like I need a dummy check.
Also this…
So maximum green gems created possible is 22 gems. Quite great, although this case will be very rare.
Also, seems like Doomskulls don’t count as skull as well, so you don’t get boosted by it. It does, sorry…
This time, I want to congratulate the devs on a well made troop.
The ability and traits make it very viable for the players.
I have had great success so far in a few PvP teams. Very nice with Beasts, try it.
I like it because the gem creation is very reliable in the player hands, but probably needs too much placement for the AI to use.
So a good tool for players that will not be a problem on defense. Great in my book.