Could someone in the community who is better at math than I am take a look at the rewards tiers for the event, and let us know what the average required shop tier is going to be per guildmate in this event.
It looks like it’ll take 33,000 total points, or 1,100 points per guildmate to collect all of the reward tiers.
That’s actually a bit more than I scored in last weeks event, and I bought to Tier 6 last week. I know that the rules are subject to change with every week’s World Event, but it would be great to know if it’s even worth having the guild participate.
I just assumed a worst case scenario and assumed the lowest fight would have to be done each time so they all leveled evenly. It should be a little better than that but not by much. Seemed the most conservative way to do it.
I have edited my post for the last time. The LB will be useless after today to help me and I dont feel like tracking individual data from 50 people anymore. The good new is that they appear generally accurate.
So I should have just stuck with 1 or 2 epic battles instead of trying to level all of them up? This would explain the discrepancy in score between me and another (tier 6 purchasing) guild mate. This game makes no sense sometimes.