[Reported] Rescaling kingdoms [graphical error]

Platform, device version and operating system:

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
kingdoms to stay in same place, they now move when i zoom

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
every time i enter a guild event then come back to the map

Steps to make it happen again
enter guild event and return to map.


Also happens after completing an Explore battle then returning to the map sceen too. On PlayStation, probably other platforms too?

The map screen shows the old map format then zooms back out to the new one when you click on a kingdom.


I tried to reproduce your bug but i can’t on an android os 13

If i did something wrong with my test please let me know

I very often see the world map scale adjusting when I enter/exit an event when I’m playing on Steam with a controller. It’s a little distracting.