[Reported] Headstart ToD

Wait what? I linked patch notes and a dev response for when it was, specifically, changed to work this way. It didn’t always work this way on the original ToD launch in 4.1 and there are a whole lot of complaint/feedback posts about luck/heroism/fireball being way too random before this point, giving an unfair advantage to some guild or another. Then in 4.3, they were clamped to guarantee a specific amount per floor range to somewhat equalize them between guilds. Why would it not be intended to work this way an entire four years later after this requested change was implemented?

Heres one such complaint thread from before the change that clamped heroism, luck and fireball scroll was added:

For scrolls other than luck, heroism, and fireball, there is no such clamping and it does still appear to be weighted random chance. But Luck scroll will always be exactly 1 every 4 floors except the first 4, fireball always exactly 1 every 6 floors except the first 6, and heroism always be exactly 1 every 12 floors except the first 12. And again, its been like this for four years, and widely discussed across the forums.

Heres one such thread discussing this as the status quo in 2020 (while requesting other scrolls be normalized as well):

Heres another from earlier this year:

I’ve been in guilds that have this info right in their tracker spreadsheets, and it has, to this day, always been correct. Dozens of tower of doom events across multiple guilds. All it would have taken to disprove it was a single misplaced luck, fireball or heroism scroll (or lack of one in a given block of rooms). Are you really claiming that this thing we asked for, was delivered on using this implementation four years ago, and was widely accepted as intended the entire time was, in fact, not intended and nobody on the team would have even realized until just now?