[Reported] Dungeon Crashes Game

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

Try to access the dungeon through any link and it crashes the game. It returns to the Krystara map screen locked up for a few second and goes to Xbox Home Screen.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

Just noticed after reset, but didn’t do dungeon for a couple days. It happens every time

Steps to make it happen again

Go to dungeon


Yeah same happened with me, on Xbox also.

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Me too. On Xbox. I was able to play the dungeons yesterday but since reset I can not access it

Happening to me on Xbox as well. Would hate to miss out on the daily diamonds and dragonite.

Me too. Guessing it’s all Xbox players. Will we be compensated for lost resources, taking into account our dungeon level?

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Same here (also on Xbox). Tried restarting my console to see if that might fix it, but it still crashes.

Also happening to me, also Xbox.

Also happening with me. Xbox Series X.

v. 8.3.0r69654

This game feels more and more like a buggy mess, dungeon crash here, daily plunder crash there, offers that had no issues since release shows crazy amounts out of the blue, random navigation problems if you want to select Kingdom Pass, immortal weapons that are listed as upgrade even without the souls, deleted PVP teams if you select immortals and all the bugs we had the past few months and all the other recent ones i’m to tired to mention.

So yeah, another day with another random bug. I’m not even suprised anymore. Please show your own game more love with a huge patch in the past and way more testing. Thanks.


Aren’t problems that manifest on Friday just the best? Be ready for the bs 50 gem apology. They should give out dragonite.

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Same here on Xbox. Crashes the instant I select the dungeon from the Games menu.

3 crashes for me. Im sure it could go higher, but Its vault weekend. I dont have time for this latest failure. Many of my guildmates have the same problem. Xbox here.

I think we all were getting perfect runs too…


:joy: yeah, honestly as far as bugs go, this one isn’t that bad, cause I wasn’t guessing it right anyways! And it’s localized and predictable. If I was to wager a guess, it’s just trying to access a new dragon or offer that isn’t ready yet, which I wonder why they didn’t catch when the new dragons accidentally dropped (if that is what it is anyways)

Happened to me on xbox too. What a joke honestly, always something with these :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Happening to me on Xbox as well. I have been saying I wont have Stella until the next set of dragons releases and this makes that closer to the truth

Broken. XSX console.

More and more of these failures lately.
The game loading bar takes a very long time to load when you first turn it on (about 2 minutes).

The pad vibration settings are reset each time.
This is quite an annoying phenomenon.


I thought it was just me. Takes forever to load these days. Sometimes it just times out and I get that error message over and over until I reboot my Xbox

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Switch version seems fine – I don’t suppose this is another case of something breaking due to an Xbox backend update (which, if so should be readily apparent) ?

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Saturday, and dungeons still don’t work on Xbox.

We (me and my brother) assume it has something to do with either the vault weekend itself or any combination of kingdom pass and/or invasion along with a vault weekend.
We’ve most likely had these together before, but after the latest “balance changes” in an unnumbered update (which only Xbox received) it’s the first time this accurs.