Pustelnia - Edit: Three positions available

Level 100 guild, +34 to all masteries (currently rank #62) are currently seeking three players.
No trophy, donation or level rules are in place, just seeking active people.
If you are willing to join our rank, please be sure to list your invite code and be free of a guild to accept the invitation.
Thank you

RIKUSKZK - level 92

Invitation sent mate

Thanks! Already done!

Hi I’m new to the game start early this month but am progressing quite alright.

Currently level 49 pls send me an invite if you will have me thanks!


Hey Deseus, no worries about your level or experience, just glad to have another active member join our group. Invitation sent mate

Hey there! Active player (lvl 73) looking for an active guild:

Hey @akiro, sorry for the late reply.
Invitation sent mate

Level 104 guild, +35 to all masteries (currently rank #62) are currently seeking three players.
As in first post, no trophy, donation or level rules are in place, just seeking active people.
If you are willing to join our rank, please be sure to list your invite code and be free of a guild to accept the invitation.
Thank you again.