[PREVIEW] 5.0.0 Update Breakdown and Discussion

Honestly if we could get artifacts, or something else, and use them to upgrade individual troops and/or their spells that would be pretty cool. It would be a logical next step for troops’ upgrades aside from the medals.

Wanna add another trait for a troop? Get this Artifact/during campaign or new Medal in World Events and equip it on the troop.

Wanna add another effect to a troop’s spell? There is this other Artifact/Medal you can acquire in some upcoming event.

Think about the long term effects. Some troops are only in teams because of their traits. By giving this trait to another troop; you’ve made some meaningless. Is that really good design?

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It doesn’t need to be ANY trait like Legendary and/or Mythic ones. Up to Epic traits would be something really good to consider. And the devs could also limit the options of extra traits that can be given to some troops just like they limited the kind of bonuses each role provides when you use medals.

I would like to have Khorvash with Stoneskin instead of just Armored. Or maybe one of the traits that deals double skull damage to certain colors.

the new tasks, will be a guild event or a personal event ??

The campaign tasks are individual tasks. As are the rewards.

The campaign doesn’t affect the guild much, other than that it completely changes the guild event schedule - we’ll have 10 world events in a row.

Is Campaign even worth doing if you don’t buy Elite? I saw the rewards somewhere (can’t find it now) and they seemed not at all worth it.

Presented rewards may not be final.


This, right here.

No one, except the devs, knows what will be offered in the passes next week. Salty and Oz pointed out on stream that the presented reward tracks were not final. For all any of us knows, they could have been just trying to get a read on our reaction to what was presented and made adjustments to the final offer accordingly.


Personally, yes its worth doing even as a free player


For me, if you are not going to buy the Elite pass and don’t care about Guild War, you can ignore the tasks if the final rewards are the same as what we see now. You can get much more resources by spending the same time on other things especially considering how these extra status will cost you in PVP.


You do not have to collect the rewards instantly mind you.

I believe people are under the assumption that you automatically get the rewards after you collect the stars, which is not the case.

The way it works is:

You do the task, you click Collect/Finish/Whatever on it, to finish that task and unlock the next 1, while doing this, your stars stack up, same as what happens with events, you have to manually go and collect the rewards.

Every 10 lots of rewards, so 100 stars, you get +1 level of your artifact which will give the stats.

If you wanted to, and didnt want the stats, you would be able to finish all 160 tasks over the 10 weeks, and then on the Sunday of the 10th week, go through and collect all the rewards, which would give all the resources and stat bonus’s on the last day, so you wouldnt actually deal with the higher stats throughout the entire campaign.

This way, you get all the rewards, and would, in theory, get higher gold through as other collect theirs and their team bonus goes up.

On that note though, I believe @Mithran done the math on a different post based on SSs from Beta that I supplied of a team, and the stats should not effect team score, so wont actually affect PvP gold at all.


I’m currently not planning to buy the Elite Pass (value talks aside, I’m not really on board with the 2-3 month exclusivity of the Mythic), but will probably engage with Campaigns to some extent depending on whether or not:

  1. The Artifact stats might make a difference for Pure Faction runs

  2. The Artifact stats will be significant for GW (painfully)

  3. Everyone else getting Artifact stats makes PvP painful

  4. An Artifact affix/trait is added that’s fun to play with, but not game-breaking (gl)

  5. The rewards change

$0.02 ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Then the best part (status increase) you get from Campaign become unrelated to the decision made. If we only consider the rewards (current free version) and efforts, the answer is definitely NO.

The Artifact bonuses end at the time the Campaign ends.

You will earn Rewards from the Campaign even if you never open the Campaign screen (in that case they will be mailed to you at the end of the Campaign).
The Tasks are designed to be completed with normal game play - so if you never open the Campaign menu, you probably won’t finish every Campaign Task, but if your normal play pattern is quite regular (every day or 2) and you play various game modes during your normal play, you’ll probably just coincidentally finish some Campaign Tasks without trying.

So basically, whether you want to follow the Campaign Tasks religiously or if you refuse to pay attention to them, you’re more than likely going to get Rewards regardless of your attitude toward the Campaigns.

The idea isn’t to dictate to you how to play the game or force you to play a game mode you wouldn’t normally, but to provide a variety of Tasks which suit different kind of Gems’ players favourite game modes, or which can be completed in more than 1 type of game mode. Basically we’re giving you more stuff without making you have to do extra things, but if you play a lot you’ll progress further in the campaign and get more rewards.

The Elite+ Pass is only $5 more expensive than the Ring of Wonder and lasts 10 weeks compared to the 28 days (roughly 4 weeks), each give different rewards but some players may find the Elite+ Pass more valuable than the Ring of Wonder or other Packs. Obviously if you’re someone who plays PVP several hours a day then Ring of Wonder is probably more your bag with the Gold and XP bonuses but not everyone plays like that.

The Campaigns may sometimes have a Mythic Troop in the Elite Rewards, currently the only way to buy a Mythic is in the $50 packs, so $10 for a Mythic and a bunch of other Rewards on a Pass that lasts 10 weeks, vs $50 for one that lasts 30 days may be more valuable again.

To me personally, I think this is all good value for everyone, Campaigns give every player rewards whether you pay attention to Campaigns or not. The Elite Passes are probably better value than a lot of other Packs in the game ($1 a week for a Mythic, a weapon and other things?). The things in the Elite Pass will be obtainable sometime after the Campaign ends if you don’t want to buy an Elite Pass.

It will be interesting to hear more feedback once the first Campaign has been under way for awhile, and interesting again to hear more feedback once it has ended, but I wouldn’t be particularly worried about Campaigns before they’re released. I do understand people asking how the Artifact bonuses will affect different events, particularly Guild Wars though.

Just trying to address some of the questions/concerns I came across in this thread… if I missed anything you need a dev to answer just yell out. Not here to argue with anyone about your opinions, just hoping that maybe this post will hopefully shed some light on the Campaigns and what you can expect. I know it can be hard to read tone and I know I’m sometimes not the best at conveying my tone so just thought I’d add that bit at the end, I’m totally chill and looking forward to more feedback once you’ve all had the chance to participate in Campaigns :slight_smile:


Is the update coming out today?

As always, the answer is “Soon”

Though I do feel obligated to say that there isn’t much left of “today” in Australia.


That means soon? Because I’m in Germany.

Almost 7pm in Aus. Def not today

“Soon” is intentionally non-specific. I don’t know what the real answer is. I suspect even the devs don’t know. My guess is they submitted the app to all the companies for review, and they’re waiting on Apple, Sony, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Nintendo to approve the app. They have no control over the approval process, so not even they can give a firm time/date.

Thoughts on the free pass rewards potentially not being worth the time/effort or may reward less than the cost of some of the later campaign tasks?