Predators (Top 20) is looking for active players

We still have 2 more spots for you guys :slight_smile:

Lvl 453, everything maxed invite code KIYI

Hi, I’m Level 412 and all my Kingdoms are maxed. I hit tier 1 PVP every week and 200k a week gold is easy for me. Invite code is Xeeblor

HI Level 188 and still need a few kingdoms to level 10 but easily hit tier 1 PVPing every week would not mind joining a good guild. Invite code is ONTHECAN I could easily contribute and just like the guild name. Thanks

2 spots available! Who wants to contribute in the upcoming week? :slight_smile:

Hi Kimari. I would be interested in joining your guild. I am level 189, I have all kingdoms maxed and can contribute the requirements stated in your post each week.

Invite code is NATALIE_21

I’ll do my best, lvl 118 all kingdoms 10, CHESSPIECEFACE

Interested , Please send an invite to DAVE 89. Level 231 looking for TOP 30 Guilds ! Materies at 37 level

We are full for now, but check next week for possible places. :slight_smile:

2 spots open, anyone wants to join us? :slight_smile:

If you’re still looking for members I’m definitely interested! Level 106, average 1000 seals, 200k contributions, 100+ trophies per week, SHINI_3 please and thank you!

Still one more spot open!

I would be interested if there’s still a spot. Been playing for a month, level 223, hit 1500 seals and average 200+trophies per week. Could contribute 100-200k gold easily. Unfortunately already hit 1500 seals this week though. Invite: SPIFF_5


Does your guild have a communication like Discord or anything??

2 more spots are free :slight_smile:

Level 87 while
300-500 trophies
1500 seals 3-5 days

Invite code KSARD

Level: 107
9 Kingdoms Level 10 and the rest all level 6
Average gold weekly is 250,000
Average seals is 1350 by 6th day
My usual trophy count per week is 280-300 Trophies

Invite code: YASLOOM

We have 2 more spots for people who wants to spend New Year with us! :slight_smile:

Level: 211
All Kingdoms Level 10
Can surpass the requirements
Active daily

Invite code: CHILLZ

Groo, level 240. avg donations: 500k gold, 1500 seals, 200 trophies. invite: “FEDERICO 18”