Portal Drop Rates - the Why, the How, and the Solution

Yep, considering how this basically backfired on us. :wink:

(Still, thank you Mithran for your continued efforts)

Since there will be changes, can the guardian style solution for faction troops (when all are Mythic with 4 copies of each) be reconsidered?
Or maybe introduce something in the soulforge that would use chaos shards and provide a random treasure troop (like the colored jewels do for weekly troops rotation of that color, including the multiple copies of low level treasures - actually scratch that, just have the high level treasures, the low level ones are basically useless for those wanting to level hoards)?

Guys, we are still in “fundamental errors are getting made” territory. The intent was clearly described, more than once, that portal drops will remain the same as they were before, and the (currently proposed) outcome is not in line with that description of intent (“We won’t be changing the distribution of drops”, “I have said several times that our drop rates are staying the same”), not by the letter of it (by the drop rates actually staying the same) nor in spirit (we get roughly the same treasure xp, which is what people are heavily focused on right now).

If we end up with the proposed rates permanently, it means nothing was gained by this whole ordeal. Not “because ingame nerfs”, that was always a possibility and their prerogative, no matter how much we dislike it or how much of a bad idea I think it may be considering the overall impact and taking the intent of the last couple patches into account. But rather because the two issues of players not being heard/understood and cycle of getting back misinformation presented confidently as fact were not at all improved here and this whole ordeal will just serve to be remembered as another flagrant display of both. Again, this is the real mistake that keeps happening.

Or maybe I’m just in denial that the pattern is repeating again. Looks like most of you already moved onto bargaining.

Out of curiosity, what was the over a million test samples taken of, and what was it compared to?


I just wanted to let you all know that I pass on information to the devs, and communicate their response and actions. I do not decide how that information is acted upon, but I do present the wishes of the playerbase, and explain why they have raised any concerns.


Agreed: I don’t even care for Factions, it’s just their treatment of the players/customers through actions/inactions (and non-truths too?). It is indeed disheartening that the cycle keeps looping, and the players forget the last time(s) they were treated like this, and instead proceed to bargain and give benefit of doubt despite past historical data.

At least, based on this quote, we now know who is behind the treatment of the players/customers.

Looks like most of you already moved onto bargaining.

No I’m not! (I’m still back in shock and denial) :wink:
But a good solution woudl be nice, just saying…

Probably present: “Stop telling Salty you are going to do A, then doing B. Just tell her you don’t know the solution. Both of these things disappoint the players, but only one of them disappoints your mother.”


I have a lot of words that will violate community guidelines…
I’m very angry and disappointed that after multiple statements about the same drop rate, 1M tests, etc we have huge and totally unreasonable nerf to treasures. I feel like a fool now that I didn’t open all my chaos shards because I believed in statement about the same drop rate…
Lvl500 with pure faction teams were already gathered too many justified complaints and you just make it even harder.
And I feel sorry for newer players… At least, we had a year with normal treasure rates - all newer players will face a reality to level up all their hoards with much fewer treasures.


Would it be an option to get one of those devs to show up here? Preferably the one calling the shots? It feels like this would greatly simplify communication for this particular issue.

In case this isn’t possible, please let the devs know that we have been repeatedly promised very clearly the drop table will look exactly like this:

  • 45.80% Troops
    – 24.40% Rare
    – 12.85% Ultra-Rare
    – 5.95% Epic
    – 2.60% Legendary
  • 54.20% Treasures
    – 7.50% Common
    – 24.40% Rare
    – 12.85% Ultra-Rare
    – 5.95% Epic
    – 2.60% Legendary
    – 0.90% Mythic

Anything that breaks this promise by reducing the overall value of treasure drops, in quantity or rarity, is unlikely to go down well.


I spent 1000 shards, got lots more troops than normal, lots and lots of the rare and ultra rare. So I’m happy.

I don’t go crazy on delves and leave my hoarde at 100.

So, you are saying you plan to only get your hoard to 50 in the future? Because you now only receive half the number of treasures as before, and at lower rarity level, requiring much more gold for upgrading? Or are you happy because you have enough treasures stockpiled from better times to not feel the effects for a long time to come?


From what I can tell the person is happy because he doesn’t care all that much about delves and is only interested in troops.

From this point of view, the change is indeed pretty good.

Fair point. There’s still the problem that in order to actually get troops you need shards, which is significantly boosted by upgrading your hoard quality to 10, which requires you to have access to enough good treasures. I guess if you care little enough you could hope to eventually get lucky by repeatedly donating purses and rings, the currently active loot table makes sure any treasure of higher value is excessively scarce.

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I’ve 40 mythic elephant treasures, and I mythiced all my treasures. Not too worried about running out.

Too bad most people aren’t in that situation.

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Well they should be, and I wonder why they are not.

I only go to horde 100 and maybe spend a bit more gold than others to save elephants, lamps and crowns. If you are going to run low on treasure, then spend a bit more gold.

You can’t do faction team runs with hoard level 100. If you aren’t doing high level faction team runs, your need for treasure is not gonna be even close to that of those who are. “A bit more gold” won’t cut it.


I’ve been discussing this further with the team, and we will be changing the distribution of treasures and troops back to their 55-45 split.

When I have the exact final numbers I will post them here. Thank you for your patience.


Thanks Salty for your diligence.

Boooooooo!!! :-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1: