Portal Drop Rates - the Why, the How, and the Solution

This is a contentious decision either way, but I wanted to honour our word and pushed for that to happen.

I know that this will upset as many players as it makes happy, as some layers expressed that they wanted a higher split towards faction troops.

These will be the final drop rates, and this will most likely release today.


Proposal: a new event type where the drop rates of every chest changes hourly. Will you be online when the one-time yoked up mythic rate appears?? Better not sign off.


Thank you! This is much better than the proposed change for players who are actively invested in high level delves.

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Non potioned I stick at level 200 for faction horde, maybe 300. 500 delve team is always do able. 2200 faction is certainly top tier until they make it easier. I’ve 50k gems so I’m not falling behind.

More treasures as opposed to less benefits everybody. No matter what lv you wish to take your hoard to more treasures means costing less gold to get there.

Getting all troops to mythic is a non issue really as we can easily make enough shards per month to do this.

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This change has been pushed, so should be going live shortly. Please restart your game and platform to see the changes.


I had no idea anything was wrong.

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You sound like a Dev :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue:

Appreciate the effort and attempted damage control (assuming of course that the true rates match the claims), but will hope against all hope that the playerbase does not forget how it was treated once again, and what it took to get to this point.


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Close enough.

For those still following along at home:

These are slightly off of the rates calculated based on the explanation of the bug in both category distribution and type distribution, but in a generally favorable way that skews a tiny bit to high rarity. This is a slight buff on treasures (avg 30.225 hoard xp > 31.7955 hoard xp avg expectation per portal, a ~5% buff, a decent chunk of that being on higher value treasures) and a slight nerf on troops (~7740 avg shard expectation to hit mythic asenscion on the rare, up from ~7460 before, still by far the frontrunner bottleneck for finishing mythic on all troops, and ~8k to mythic +4, both an effective ~3.8% nerf in troop amounts or ~3.9% increase in total troop cost, however you want to look at it). Given the variance of each monthly sample is greater than this, this should be felt as overall “no change” with a trend toward very slightly favorable long term for those that wish to push hoard levels and really only “unfavorable” for those that would fall just short of mythic asenscions because of this change. Everyone else probably won’t notice much of a change from how it was before (assuming it is working correctly now and isn’t greatly more or less “streaky” because of the operations used to get to each drop).

For those worried about it from the perspective of a new player trying to play catch up, keep in mind treasures are still favorable in this instance because you need to have a least one farming faction at hoard quality 10 to get the best payouts (requiring treasures, which requires shards to pull, which the great majority of which come from delving), and being able to keep up adding HQ10 a faction while participating in faction events (and keeping a farming faction for daily runs) is the biggest “catch up” you can get in awarding you a lot more shards.

This honors the spirit of the original promise while being not being detrimental in any major way by not being completely exact. I have no further objections (again, assuming everything works).

I hope you guys can find the time in the office to go over what caused this massive breakdown in communication to prevent this cycle repeating again. This was harder (on everyone) than it needed to be. The process needn’t be adversarial.


It seems to be working perfectly, I even had some nice luck with legendary/mythic treasures doing some test pulls. Thank you for getting this fixed!

I think relatively speaking, people who want the drops weighted towards treasures have a much, much stronger argument than those who want them weighted towards troops. If you’re doing faction assaults and daily delves, you get enough chaos shards to ascend every single faction troop to mythic on release day, with a lot of shards still left over afterwards. That gives newer players leeway to catch up on old faction troops with those extra shards, especially since there’s no immediate rush to get anything to mythic at all (legendary/level 19 troops for each faction is a pretty reasonable target).

You can always benefit from more treasures no matter what, primarily because of faction team runs. But you simply can’t benefit from more faction troops beyond a certain point, and that point is already easily attainable with 45% faction troops instead of 70%.

(I’d be completely happy with 70% faction troops if we got guild guardian behaviour and they stopped dropping once they were all mythic, though! But what we have now is the next best thing.)


Longest bug report process award goes to… Lol


Before I read the post by @TimeKnight Hoard Optimization, I once used 32 Brass Rings, 20 Cups, 3 Crowns, 8 Lamps, and 2 Sacred Treasures to get a Hoard to 100. Total cost was 789k. The next time, I used 25 Cups, 26 Crowns, 3 Lamps and 1 ST. 580k. Time’s optimization showed it was possible to do with just 353k gold, which is a significant bit o’ savings to most players.

If the increase of treasures benefits the entire community, than I don’t see a reason to boo it. It just means that instead of you having an excess of shards in your inventory, you’ll have an excess of more treasures. 50k gems, all those guild seals, sacred elephants…I’d wager 40+ power orbs as well, right?

Not jealous. I got all I need, except an Orc Hero Class. I’m just waiting for the dev team to screw that up.

These pancakes are making me SALTY.


Just Checking:



100 pulls

55 Faction Troops! (what’s with the exclamation mark? :thinking::sweat_smile:)
R 26
UR 20
E 5
L 4

45 Treasure Troop
C 7
R 18
UR 13
E 6
L 1
M 0

Close enough for such a small sample? Will wait for further confirmation before deciding that the 55F-45T is just a coincidental irony

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It looks like - finally - some consensus has been reached for the time being.
I have hard time, however, trying to understand why the actual thing - the one we were promised when this ordeal of a topic started - took so much trouble and screw-up to do despite thousand upon thousands of test pulls (there were test pulls, weren’t there?).

On a slightly different note regarding delve decisions, a quite simple rule of thumb that might allow to avoid a ton on backlash in the future:

Does the thing you’re thinking of make pure faction delves harder - in any way whatsoever - than they already are? If the answer is ‘yes’, then it might be a good idea to shelf it for now and try a different approach.


They don’t know what makes it easy (potions weren’t intended to help with Factions) and they don’t know what makes it more difficult (literally the wave of “innovative” troops that work better as single releases than pairs of RFG.)

It’s like asking a 5 year old to know the difference between McDonald’s and a 5 star meal.
As long as you’re (we’re) paying for it… They don’t give a flying french fry.