Over-powered Troops & A Nerf Bat

worse maybe wrong term. his dmg is/or seems worse because at high levels you fighting troops that have lots more shield/health than lower lvls

Ok cant say much about that. Didnt use Coronet much on lower levels, so I dont have too much experience with his low level performance. But I guess you’re right.

What I dont like about him is his low hp/armor however. But that’s not his problem but the problem with high hp troops. Dont see why a common goblin in a team of 4 gobs has more or as much hp as a gian in a team of 4 giants.

Still, dont underestimate Coronet’s ability to remove all purple. Which has the same use throughout all levels of the game.

Agreed with what was stated above, the issue is more mana generator being empowered. Any gems transformer/spammer should not be able to cast directly in the first round. Fast maybe would be ok.

Knight coronet is quite a big machine and I actually find him more annoying than gorgotha because of his high damage spell. Gorgotha is an enhanced fortress door. Knight coronet hurts and a lot. And in the arena, I discovered that if you have 1 troop left, you get hit twice by his spell.

As for gobelins, maybe suppress rather than destroy for the gems would be a fair adjustment. But I do think they benefit too much from ascension. And faster AI turns would also help.

And you left the elephant in the room: Bone dragon. It is a powerhouse. I always skip teams where it is first. Reverse freeze is far too powerful (especially as it is retroactive).

One last word on Great maw, I love it. Maybe nerf Devour to prevent gaining attack (only life, armor and barrier)?

Disclaimer: My favourite invade team uses Maw, so I may be a bit biased.

That said, I don’t think Maw needs a big nerf. I think the main reason why Maw is currently OP, is because its third trait is bugged. Devouring multiple units because of one single skull match tends to be a bit OP… :wink:

A small nerf to the gem spawning is good I think; 6 instead of 8 of each color or something like that. Or lowering the devour percentage on the third trait.

But Maws spell is very expensive to cast, so there is a pretty decent chance to kill Maw if you deny him mana and focus on killing him with skulls (if he’s in the first slot) or targeted damage (if he’s got a tank in front of him) before he manages to cast his spell

I think that’s more a Bone Dragon / Infernal King bug than a Maw bug. Since I can burn a whole team with IK without actually hitting them. (And do other, stranger things…)

I’ve also seen that bug when Sheggra generates the skulls. So maybe it has something to do with skull spawning triggering something on Maw’s 3rd trait.

You can actually devour a whole team with Maw using a single cast of IK, Bone Dragon or Sheggra…

But hopefully it’ll get fixed in 2.0. I sent a bug report about this problem to support about 2 months ago, so presumably they should have a fix for this soon.

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I don’t have any particular problem with any single troop mentioned, even the Great Maw - in isolation.
The problem is “The Great Maw + Mercy”

together, that combo is a game breaker, and I didn’t even have a problem facing thousands of goblins, or 4xwebspinners.

You are not alone, mate. :slight_smile:

I don’t really understand the problem with Mercy+Maw.
AI is stupid and it will use Mercy if it cannot do a 3-skulls.
You just have to be sure that Mercy’ spell won’t create a 4-turn and that’s all.
Sometimes you cannot avoid that, but most of the times Mercy gave me some 4-yellow combo and I fill thanks to her my Maw. crunch, crunch

Else, Maw seems okay to me. You could reduce to 10% his 3rd trait but it won’t change anything: there will always be some lucky/unlucky fights where Maw will devour twice an enemy with skulls…

So what are you suggestion to solve this combo?

I don’t have one. At the moment, my solution is to “suck it up princess” and try to win anyways

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I feel like all devour in this game really needs a counter. Any percent chance to instantly kill an enemy and take all of their stats is ridiculously strong. Summoning decks can’t even properly counter them due to how big the devouring troop will get. I think The Great Maw’s ability is fine, but the percent chance has to be lowered to 10% if they don’t create a proper way to avoid devour.

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A trait thats imune to devour.

Or multiple traits? Big, Huge, and Immense troops are too big to swallow?


Mirrors my feelings, an instant kill alone is already very unbalanced, never mind gaining all the stats. Devour proccing puts the opponent in a hole so deep they might as well concede. An Immunity to Devour trait won’t help, it’s easy to circumvent and so specialized nobody would really want it on any troop. Maybe Devour should just take a bite out of the target, in proportion to the devouring troop? Deal attack damage, possibly modified by magic, only gain stats if that would kill the target?

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Yeah, I would love to see that. I mentioned it a while back, but it was before The Great Maw got its brown/yellow arcanes, so few cared at the time. xD

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Shadow Hunters huge first hit is pretty much her thing, without it she would be quite useless, she is rarely used in high level play because there are other troops that are either better or fit better in synched team concepts.

As for Great Maw, before nerfing him lets see him in action for a while WITH a fixed Hunger trait, that currently behaves in an unintended way.
And if you still haven’t figured out how to use an opponents Mercy to your advantage, no nerfs could possibly help you.

Celestasias Barrier is fine now with her gem spawn reduced.

Knight Coronet is amazing for his rarity, but overall he is a small fish in the pond. Above lv200 he is pretty much non-existent, for the same reasons Shadow Hunter isn’t overly used there.

Boar Rider was just nerfed, give him a rest.

Knight Coronet double dips on the magic bonuses and boost. Reaver also has this double dip. With the 2 targets plus the double dip, they can be pretty nasty. Knight Coronet should drop down to Armored like the rest of the knights.

Great Maw, I’m still deciding on. I feel like the 15% devour is a little high for skull generators on both offense and defense. If I could field some troops that, if devoured, would kill the devouring unit and reproduce. A parasite effect. Then I could field a team with 3 stealthy, and something Maw doesn’t want to eat.

The main issue isn’t even Maw though. It is more of an issue with Black Manacles and Sand Shark. Maw at least has a lot of solid counters due to how long it takes to get operational, especially if the maw isn’t in the first slot. Sand Shark has the quickest devour chance in the game that can easily be filled with the many brown spawners. I set a 3x Sand Shark team with Acolyte for giggles about a month ago and it got around a 70% win rate just from the devour spam. The other issue is Black Manacles at 20%. The AoE ability alone is amazing. Add the devour chance and one lucky cast can have a devastating effect with no way to stop it. Hero is also the tankiest troop in the game making it harder to counter.

I would change Maw’s ability to 10% and make all devour useless against big, huge, and immense. That way the effective random shot devours can hit a useless troop and other forms won’t be ridiculously OP.


This is the best counter I feel.

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