[Not a bug] Shahbanu Vespera magic miscalc

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
The “Three wishes” spell tells: Adds X magic to the random parameter of a troop. In the example there is a sequence of adding the Magic parameter, which does not match to the description:

Gives 95 to a random parameter > 95+95=190, not 142
Gives 142 to a random parameter > 142+142= 284, not 213

Either you have some difficulties with math classes or there is a bug in calculations

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
All the time

Steps to make it happen again
Add Shahbanu to the team and try applying spell to herself multiple times, checking which parameter was increased

It’s not immediately apparent from the spell card, but her spell is:

Give [(Magic / 2) + 1] to a random Skill on an Ally. Create 9 Gems of their Mana Color. Then repeat 2 more times for random Allies.


As said above, the math works correctly. If you look at the magic value, it goes up by the right amount. 188 + 95 = 283 ; 283 + 142 = 425.
It is just, that only half the magic value is applied to the spell variable, which maxes out at 501 (with 1000 magic).


Correct, not all spells have a 1:1 correlation between the Magic stat and actual spell effect but since most spells do it’s easy to overlook it when you have a spell that does not.

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