Next weeks journey.... really?!

we all know how much journey has sucked these past few times. but looking at the restrictions of brown naga… we will have 12 troops to choose from. Actually giving we have to use the new troop its still 11.

the restrictions have nothing to do with the event. but i feel this time is going to suck extra hard.

its looking like a mang and skull event :expressionless:


That’s a weird way to say “Wand of Stars”…

Anyway, if that’s correct then the eligible Troops are:

  • (new) Slitherling
  • (new) Weresnake
  • (Mythic) Mambasira
  • (Mythic) Medusa
  • (Mythic) Salamandria
  • Algorak the Slayer
  • Bone Naga
  • Emperinazara
  • Fangblade
  • Kobold
  • Naga Queen
  • Royal Assassin
  • Setauri Gladius

Hmm. I’ve never been fond of Naga as a Troop type, but Emperinazara is a good pick for long battles … (as much as everybody hates them in this mode specifically)

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Don’t forget Weresnake, the Glory troop for next week. She can transform into Basilisk.

Maybe the easiest way to win is summon Stellarix with Fox Fang.


i did forget about the glory troop

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Best advice; skip the event.

Instead of the extra frustration and time consumption Journey events now is - possible extra gems to buy tiers and maybe not being able to earn all rewards anyway - why put yourself through that?
If no one plays the Journey event, I am sure the devs will make a change.


There’s no point to Wand of Stars if the troops you’re feeding into aren’t worth casting.

aka this event


Yes, I agree. Wand of Stars is a top-tier support weapon, but what the list of troops are missing are damage dealers (unless you have Salamandria or maybe Mambasira).

I have been testing a lot of teams this week and I think the weapon to go for is the Doomed Spade (especially if fully tempered). I also got good results from the other damage dealing brown Doomed Weapons and even the Cursebreaker Hammer.

Emperinazara is a great support for this event, as well.



Doomed Spade is pretty good sometimes, but that series of weapons falls off hard when its making 8 or 10 gems (aka 0-1 of that color on the enemy team).

I think I did something similar last time with Purple Wargares since we had Wolfgarok to speed up double kills. I’m not sure we’ll have that luxury this time around despite a similar level of disappointing troop quality.

Then again, maybe I’m too stuck in thought that Mang/Earth’s Fury might be one of the only few ways to go in enemy level 400+


yep, makes pathfinder even more useful when glory troop transformed into basilisk, as basilisk is no naga :rofl:


Using the glory troop to transform into a Basilisk could be a valid, albeit risky strategy. Basilisks are not nagas, but that only matters for your starting lineup. The glory troop currently targets 2 random enemies. Basilisk does true damage to a chosen enemy twice with the first attack doubled vs. Poisoned and the second attack doubled vs. Stunned. I remember that’s a troop essential to the Mists of Scales trials. The downside would be that the spell appears to only transform 30% of the time. Meanwhile, you are adding lycanthropy gems to the board.

It matters for the Pathfinder, it creates brown gems based on how many naga there are in the team at the time of casting.

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In that case, yes, the glory troop can reduce the Pathfinder’s ability.

I think my team will most likely be:
Doomed Spade


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Aside, now I’m actually kinda curious how each Troop Type breaks down by Mana Colors.

Rarest Troop+Color combinations:

  • Beast - 51 Blue Troops
  • Boss - N/A (special type, 12 Troops total)
  • Centaur - 5 each of Blue, Brown Troops
  • Construct - 27 Green Troops
  • Daemon - 38 Yellow Troops
  • Divine - 23 Brown Troops
  • Doom - N/A (special type, 6 Troops total)
  • Dragon - 29 Green Troops
  • Dwarf - 5 each of Green, Purple Troops
  • Elemental - 56 Purple Troops
  • Elf - 11 Brown Troops
  • Fey - 22 Brown Troops
  • Giant - 13 Purple Troops
  • Gnome - N/A (special type, 18 Troops total)
  • Goblin - 8 Yellow Troops
  • Human - 21 Green Troops
  • Knight - 23 Purple Troops
  • Mech - 4 Purple Troops
  • Merfolk - 8 each of Red, Yellow Troops
  • Monster - 31 Purple Troops
  • Mystic - 31 Brown Troops
  • Naga - 10 Yellow Troops ← (this week actually could have been worse!)
  • Orc - 4 Blue Troops
  • Raksha - 8 each of Green, Brown Troops
  • Rogue - 7 Yellow Troops
  • Stryx - 6 Red Troops
  • Tauros - 1! Purple Troop
  • Tower - N/A (special type, only 1 collectible Troop)
  • Undead - 15 Green Troops
  • Urska - 6 each of Yellow, Purple Troops
  • Wargare - 12 Yellow Troops
  • Wildfolk - 11 Blue Troops

…so the Top 3 Rarest Color Types are:

  • 1 Purple Tauros (Skeleros)
  • 4 Blue Orcs
  • 4 Purple Mechs
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Access to Tak…I’m thinking it would be better.


Devs, this is too much. What’s next? A week only with gnomes? Only the sentinels? Who is making up this mockery? We start losing miles after 5,000 points. The Pathfinder is still not working. 10 turns is not enough without a pathfinder to play this event. And if we play without a Pathfinder, then why do we need a Journey at all? To burn up our time and gems?

The discussion of events looks like this. “We have already reduced the points. Now let’s make them play an event without choosing troops. And let’s see how they do. It’s going to be fun to see how they anger.”


Come on my peers. Can’t you see how much better the game is overall since the nerf to Journey troops. It’s not like it was a colossal mistake that resulted in just as bad if not worse metas in PvP. And a tremendously worse Journey experience.

The event, has, and always will be the worst guild event so long as two troop restrictions are in place. Requiring to use a certain troop type and color results in a more bad than good experience.

The devs know which troops are used and which ones aren’t. But still choose to believe the game is a lot more balanced than it actually is.

Furthermore, @Kafka what is the point in having a monthly guild event if only 1% of the guilds in your game bother to finish the event.

You put Guild Wars on indefinite ice. Do we have to pray that new updates break Journey so it can be put on ice as well? Or can something be done that actually indicates Gems of War is on a Cruise Ship and not a sinking life boat?


I don’t understand why they can’t just buff the journey troops in the event only. Raid and invasion troops are very strong in their events, so why not journey troops?


The devs could probably just give the journey troop a 5× boost to magic for the event instead of 2× and just call it a day. It would help clear out the earlier stages and start to fall off when enemies are around level 300. You would be able to get to 10,000+ event score much easier, and you wouldn’t have to worry about weird shenanigans.

And let’s not go into detail, but anyone with half a brain would have made the naga troop create red (ideally) or green gems. Bogstrider and Marilith can’t be used and are some of the best mana generators? Come on, that was on purpose…

By the way, it’s a great place you guys put Nintendo Switch players in. We missed out on the doomed spade and the ruby macaque, so we’re having a great time using earth’s fury or mang to be able to do anything. It sure is a lot of fun trying to create skulls, and then watching the enemy hit us back and laugh in our face.

It’s like you guys want us to hate playing the game and I just don’t understand why…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Assuming they do hate us you imply they actually think about us, which is a pretty big conspiracy theory


I’m disagree. Now journey is broken by nearly useless pathfinder troop, as long as doom event - by nearly useless weapon.
In PvP I see wand of stars+elementalist + 1-2x of zuul/takshaka/stellarix + 1-2 leprechaun(or other quick generators) in 90% of non-restricted battles.