I broke my old trophy record from 40500 to 75000. There was good support from the other members, many of them went along❤️
What was your method? I feel like doing 6k is a ton…
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I played with Diamantina on E9, 600-700 trophies per hour and all 15-20 hours a day
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That’s a lot! Good job. I don’t care what others may think, it takes a lot of dedication and discipline with a lot of love for the game to pull this off. Things like this remind me of how games were played when it came to achieving a record, whether you spent quarters at the arcade or hours at the TV set. Achieving extremely high stats is a lost art in a lot of today’s gaming. Very good, man (I do play 15-20 hours a day but I don’t think I’ll pull that off ) Game on!
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