Thanks, the limited amount of souls I get is actually the reason I’m asking for some advice. Don’t want to waste too much on card that are known not to be very effective.
Well, I’d use Druid, a pretty cool card early / mid game, works well with Goblin Shaman who is also quite good.
You are lacking many red and yrllow mana users, os all I could come up with are owl bear and hero with a red weapon.
That’s the best you can do with the cards you have in my opinion. Well, you have Venoxia, a legendary, and some people use it, even at high level, but I’m not a big fan…
@Zelarith’s advice is all good, I pretty much agree with it all.
Valkyrie is a good card that is only a Rare, so it shouldn’t be long before you acquire one. She is a great blue Mana generator and she gives you Souls every time she uses her Ability.