New Pet - Tiny Torte

Too bad other ideas from the good old days haven’t gotten the same treatment :smirk:

Tell me about it, sometimes when i try something new it turns out the results are quite the opposite from what i expected…

For example, in my current state i have a… deficiency… when trying to convey some emotions easily perceived by facial features, which i lack, then i spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem and when i went to test my “happy face” people simply screamed and ran away from me.

… i still don’t understand what went wrong in my plan… :skull:

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You could leave the Gems of War birthday at the current date, but then you wouldn’t be able to celebrate it. Call us players old fashioned but we like the idea of having a birthday celebration. :wink:

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Call us old fashioned but it’s our decision to leave our birthday when it is, on the day of our brith. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Razzagor did you draw this? If so I admire the dedication to your storyline. I love it!

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Oh i didn’t draw it, i don’t have the proper skills yet. And yes i’m really commited to the joke, and i still have plenty “skeleton memes” to use when an opportunity appears.


Do you store them in the closet?


And that’s another whole other issue for us skeletons, if we are inside a closet, for any reason, there is a pun for it. If we get out of the closet there is also pun for it…

You meaty bastards should check your privileges because only the second pun applies… Unlife is suffering, but i use jokes to cope with it: