Mythic Table?

Does anyone have a list of kingdoms with all the mythics from each kingdom? That troop table on Google is ancient and too difficult to scroll all the way through it to find my the mythics. What are the mythics from Zaejin… anybody know? I think Faerie Gobmother is one, but it would be nice to see all the traits and skills of each one.

In game, you can go into the collection and search for the kingdom and put “Mythic” in the text filter. Show all if you’re missing some mythics.


Omg I feel so stupid! :rofl::rofl:Thank you for that advice. Great.

TaransWorld GoWid List list is useful for this: search for Item = troop, Rarity = mythic, and then sort by Kingdom.

(I wish there was a way to tell it not to show unreleased troops, though.)


Alternatively, sort by “Base Rarity” which will put Mythics (including Boss mythics) at the top.