I did this to the ice cream I was eating tonight. RIP spoon and sticky hands.
haha, Try click on the image and scroll down, it should be 23 differently annoying situations like this one. Added the link just in case, its just so horrible annoying how much I recognize myself in this.
I saw them all. Spoon tipping over bowl is worst.
Spoon flipping out of the skillet and flinging spaghetti sauce all over the kitchen happens more frequently than I like to admit.
When someone leaves a drop of juice in the container then puts it back in the fridge, I feel like commiting bloody murder.
Pouring a bowl of cereal then reaching into the fridge only to find the milk has expired. I should check the milk first, but I never do. Who’s thinking when they first get out of bed.
Cooking a new recipe for the first time.
Wondering just how long ago you first opened the ketchup bottle.
Hmm, no green. Is it still good?
Those seals with a tiny flap in center you’re supposed to grab and pull. I can never get a good grip on them. Too small and the seal is super glued down! You end up grabbing a knife and cutting the center out.
The pizza roll one was so true!
dropping the pizza on the floor only makes my dog happy.