[Jerog and Schaafy solved it] Is this a weird pet request?

I’m almost embarrassed to share this but I now have over 12 pets that are starving in my game account. All real life pets are looking at me saying I’m a bad pet mama! :cry:

Thanks to having so many pet rescues in my guild, I now have a different (good?) problem. I don’t have enough pet food. When I do get some food I have to choose which pet to feed. In order to know what each pet needs I have to click on them to find out what food they like. (if only real life were that simple!)

But then…for all the other pets that are not upgrade-able yet, I have no way to find out what pet food they need unless I look it up on GoW Database (so awesome!) - although new pets are being released so fast that there hasn’t been time to update the database.

I understand I might be a minority in this, but just in case I’m not - is it feasible to add some sort of tag or sign that tells us what pet food each pet requires?

Anyone have any other ideas?

Thank you :smiling_face:

:heart: Anam Cara :heart:
* Magix *

background colour :wink:


omg, Thank you, thank you, thank you Jerog!!! You’re the hero of the day! :pray: :heart_eyes_cat: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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you can also filter them by color, i tend to check if i have any that are useful to upgrade once i get ~100 of one color of pet food, just filter that color to make the search a bit easier


Thank you @Schaafy, that was a brilliant suggestion! I somehow completely ignored those color things in the Pet menu - thanks to you and @Jerry_the_skunk I’m learning so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Likewise, I am often short on Pet Food myself so if I check a (potentially) upgradeable pet only to find I don’t have enough food for a level-up, I note which color of food it was, then filter OUT that color on the Pets page.

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