[More info needed] Mydnight Trials/Epic Trials - Inflict Terror when matching skulls not working past level 10

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Was expecting to inflict Terror when matching skulls using the team in the Trials/Epic trials.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It worked up to Trial X. At that point it stopped working for both myself and the opponent team.

Steps to make it happen again
Play the Trials/Epic Trials in the Mydnight kingdom to Trial X (not level 10)

As the trial level progress the enemy troops gain traits. One of them is Brave immunity to terror. This shows how nobody of the devs play their game.


I am in the Epic Trials right now and playing against this team


I couldn’t find the Brave immunity or any immunity against Terror.

I was able to Terror them just not via matching skulls :skull:

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I’ve just played through all the trials and was able to inflict terror with skulls, 4 matches and spells.

If you are still having this issue could you please get a video for me?

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Will do! :slight_smile:

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Also, if you’re playing on less than 4x speed please let me know what speed you’re playing at when it happens again as I’ll include that in the report.

Thanks I know asking for a video makes it more effort!

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Yes, I am playing at 4x speed. I DM’ed you the link to the video as I couldn’t post it directly here.

In the video it shows the skulls not working and what actually applied the terror was the match 4/5 instead. :grin:

You’re welcome, happy to help out! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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