Missing the new banner

For some reason I am missing the new banner of the new kingdom. Anyone experiencing the same?

I have it

“Petrified Banner”


located in-between The Gate Banner/Hell Gate and Tentacle Banner/Illithia

I guess the easiest thing to recommend is try restarting the game

Now I got it after reset the game.

I don’t have it either even after I restart my game

Same here.

First time I have had issues like this. Any word from the developers about them fixing this issue?

You’ll want to post this in #gems-of-war-report-a-bug to get the devs attention.

Actually I just realized there is a new kingdom to unlock called Hellcrag and that’s where I got the banner at last

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@Linda are you still missing the banner after completing those quests and restarting?

Yes, I am still missing that banner. Hopefully it will be there tomorrow.

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If it isn’t please send through a ticket and we can dive into your account data :sparkles:

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Will do, thank you.

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