Looking for a guild that is active and competitive. Current guild was ranked 442, but out of 25 member only myself and a few other were active. Tired of carrying the team.
Level 82 but fairly new, so don’t let that be a deterrent. Have dragon armor for gold farming, regularly hit pvp rank 1 each week and log in 4 - 5 times per week. Let me know what your requirements are and what your guild rank is. Thanks!
If you’re still looking and if you’re an active player willing to contribute with monetary contributions and trophies, then my guild (Crimson Sky) will take you. We’re currently ranked 109 on the board. If you’re interested let me know your invite code
Still in previous guild but would be open to joining yours. Let me get a hold of you for an invite later tonight when I get home and can get on to drop out.