Looking 2 join an active guild

Im on xbox one. I am a very active player; i do alot of pvp. Don’t care about rank, just that all members are active.

Main reason im asking is because about half my guild hasn’t been on for 100+ days and the tasks are completed pretty slowly. They posted that anyone not on for 200 days is kicked…but there are 5, so even the guild leader is slacking.

Im pretty sure i have to leave before i can be invited, so just post here or message my GT:CrazyCaboose009 and i will leave (staying because of the gold bonus)
Invite code:Shadow_102

I am the GM of a guild that has been reformed, meaning 505 Games gave me GM after removing our inactive leader. We have been around since the game came out. But recently, due to removing inactives and due to actives joining thru this forum we have been rising thru the ranks at an incredible pace. There is room for advancement if you show you are active.
I just sent you an invite. Ill also msg u on xbl
ii TizZLe ii

If you’re guild master is inactive for 2 weeks you can mail support and request to be new guild master.

You can join our guild. Our name is ‘Grizzlies’ and we have 7900 trophies. We just want active members. Don’t care about your level.