Level 1378 and wanting to quit

Hey. I’m pretty far in this game, relatively speaking. I’m not obsessed, but do play every day and i am in a guild in top 100. Lately i just feel like i should be giving this game a break. I’m not sure why… but it started when the new pvp was introduced. My guild members mostly love it, but i miss the gem wars side of things. That in itself isn’t the whole reason that i feel this way and honestly i am just not enjoying the game like i used to. I also think that because i have been playing the game slowly and at my own pace, airways fulfilling my guild duties(i started in about 2019 but did take a break for about a year). Although i play every day and hardly ever spend real money, it seems that my daily list of things to do in the game is just growing and growing. That being said i also do think this has something to do with my mixed feelings of late. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with what i need to do on a daily basis and not feel left behind (real or imagined). Specifically with the new pvp format. It’s not like it’s a game ender for me and I’m gonna quit Gw’s, but i do feel that with the added complexity of the new update with pvp my feelings about this are just going to increase. The update should be something i probably should be looking forward to, but honestly it isn’t :-/ …My mind isn’t made up but it’s definitely going to necessitate that i spend longer on the game or at least leave me with the feeling that i will need to to achieve the weekly exp in the 11 weeks alotted. I’ll see how it goes with the new update and how this will make me feel.

I know this game isn’t a chore or supposed to make you feel that way. But i am just writing about my mixed feelings.

Lastly it seems that the free play in GW is falling slowly but increasingly on the side. The pay to play commercialism is slowly but surely taking over. It is what it is…sadly… commercialism was always going to win this “war” anyhow… it just adds to my overall feeling.

Tx for listening. Gripe for the day…done!


Im not quitting but i am going to back way off pvp since thus new update


One of the things that a player needs to understand, if they want to play this game in a healthy way and enjoy the challenges and anything the devs come up with, without starting to hate the game altogether, is the fact that they CAN play every single game mode and battle offered, but they DO NOT HAVE TO do it.

I know it’s easy to say from the point of view of a person with one end-game and another close-to-end-game account, because I can skip whole events without a problem, because I have tons of most resources and I can focus on chasing the most recent one that’s still in short supply.

Ask yourself this: will my enjoyment of the game suffer badly, because I earn X amount of resource Y instead of 2x, 3x, or however much of the same resource? Yes, it will mean that it will take longer to get that thing unlocked/crafted with that thing. But are you enjoying the game as is, even though you don’t have thing X, thing Y, thing Z? If yes, then don’t feel afraid to slow down. Have the courage to not play Bounty / Arena / Tuesday FA / Wednesday pet / Thursday class trial / Underspire / any other individual event. I make an exception for guild events if you are in a guild, but all the individual events are only your choice - yours alone.

Games like GoW are designed to keep you engaged and playing as much as possible - but this doesn’t mean you have to give in and do what the devs want from you.

I skip underspire unless its an easy faction to win with, i am going to only do bare minimum with pvp now. I have stellarix. I dont care about books for kingdoms, and i have near 3000 gold marks.

This update let all my air out for this game


Tx for your input. I understand all of that, and obviously and respectfully to you i know all that already.
The game evolves and will continue to evolve. I am simply saying that the enjoyment i got at the start isn’t evolving in lockstep with the game. I think this is a personal preference and I’m saddened to have to admit it and further to understand the cause of what is making me feel this way. My desire is not to complete the game like you have or have multiple accounts and rush through everything (let’s be honest, it’s hardcore hours you have put in). I’m content to enjoy it at my own pace. The essence of what i am feeling is that it’s obvious as a daily player (as i am) it now becomes difficult to continue to do this and not feel that i am falling really far behind or at least make some good progress. The advent of PvP coupled with the new format is designed to continue engagement with players but it is also designed to make them grind…repetitively for hours…and reward it. I don’t fall into that category as you and others do. I’m saying…it’s becoming more and more slanted in that direction. Thats fine, i understand the devs decision making tree here and TBH they not completely wrong… I’m saying it doesn’t suit me so much anymore. That’s all…

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Made a similar post like this a few weeks ago. The game used to be a fun to pick up and do daily things (dungeons, delves, daily challenges, guild event) in about an hour with PvP having a longer grind but doable and not needing to do anymore for rest of week.
Now it has devolved into a feeling like a chore On most days only do the dungeons and daily challenges. Last week was first week in ages that didn’t complete the weekly PvP. Also rarely do delves anymore and sometimes skip Underspire and Guild Event with at times also not using all sigils like i used to do.
With the recent changes coming am not even going to buy the campaign pass anymore. As just don’t want to support the game anymore when the developers keep on ruining things, blatantly lie about listening to player feedback and seem to be proud of that.

Only reason to play, which seems to be the case for most people, is because am in a good guild with nice members. Without that would have gone to another game completly already. The devs really need to step up otherwise this game will lose it’s entire playerbase eventually. As more and more people are being fed up and outright quit because everything is starting to become pay for RNG.


But that’s exactly where you have it wrong. One - I’ve been skipping many (individual) events that feel bad and sticking to parts of the game that bring me joy; playing smart - not hard, and picking & choosing. And this is what allowed me to enjoy say… the last 1.5-2 years of playing, and this is what allowed me to have 2 accounts at all. I’d be long gone with both my accounts if I tried to play it all, every day.

And two - the game hasn’t introduced the concept of “grind” with this new PvP format - it’s always been there, from day 1 - but used to be easier to ignore certain areas of the game, like PvP and leaderboards there, because we didn’t have a specific reward dangling in front of our eyes for playing just that one specific mode. Like we have now in the new PvP (30-people small leaderboards), and will have even more of it with PvP seasons and immortals.

One more thing: the further into the game you go, the less of a “progress” you feel with each individual day - when you start out, the progress comes very quickly. But as you hit lvl 1000 - gaining new levels becomes slow. Gaining new cards you don’t yet own becomes slow - because RNG chest luck is fickle, and gathering resources takes time. Waiting for specific weapon or mythic in the soulforge takes time. And the stuff that remains might still be too hard - yet - say, certain delves at lvl 500 pure, and all that’s left is the endless explore or pvp grind. And the fact is - either you accept that course of events, hug your inner impatient soul, and play what you want and how much you want (or decide not to play specific areas of the game), to keep the joy of the game - or you don’t. It all sits in the mindset.

And in all honesty, if it weren’t for my guild, for this lovely bunch of people from all over the world, with whom I can share happy moments and bad moments, complain, laugh, and what not, both when it comes to game-related stuff as well as life-stuff, I’d be long gone, as grinding for the sake of grinding has never been my jam.


Same. My guild is what keeps me here.


I didn’t read your giant wall of text OP. But my impression is you’re approaching burn-out.
Ask yourself:
Does it feel like work?
Am I not having fun?
If yes, then scale back your play time. You should be enjoying yourself.


Tx for your input. Prefer if you read the whole"wall of text" rather than give me a knee jerk reaction. I have obviously considered all that. I’m not chained to this game. It just a game not life and death. Nevertheless, i thank you for your deep consideration of the topic under discussion and will consider your reply in the context of the overall topic. Have a great day!