Legendary tasks undid the entire (claimed) point of the guild update and has made leading a guild a miserable exercise in frustration


That’s pretty much exactly how I see it. Although, I’ve played almost a year. That’s a lifetime of play in one game for me. So, I feel like I’ve gotten my money’s worth out of it at this point. I’ve surely had some much needed calming gem matching time. So, I could never walk away mad.


hahaha I was waiting for it and you delivered!


The pool of rewards are different so the probability to drop the same thing from one pool to another should be different… So assume that it’s 0.1% to drop a Mythic with a GC6, do you really think that you will have the same probability with a GC5 whereas Rare troops were added in the pool?
But yeah I have a source ;-).

And, there is no exclusive Mythic in the Guild Chests.

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I’m liking the idea of having a mythic task that guarantees a particular / random mythic.

Can’t see it happening but liking it all the same.

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We’ve had this conversation before and I still firmly believe that the problem is with commitment and entitlement among players and not the design of the system. The most hardcore players are naturally going to go to the hardcore guilds. You shouldn’t expect to keep those players if you don’t have hardcore requirements. Similarly, if you don’t have hardcore reqs then you shouldn’t expect to get the best rewards.

It’s a fair system when those that work the hardest get the best rewards. It should require everyone diligently working together as a team in order to achieve the best outcome. Isn’t that the point of guild systems? To work together toward a common goal and be dependent on one another for success?

The bottom line is that you can’t recruit and retain hardcore players to a guild with middling reqs. Either set the reqs low, get people that fit the bill, and take the rewards requisite to your efforts, or set them high, get hardcore people, and get that tier of rewards. The fact that new guilds have sprung up, filled quickly, and shot to the top of the charts, should be proof enough.


I completely agree with all of your points. The problem is not the actual value of legendary tasks or guild chests though, it’s the perceived value of them to the players, and the consequential effects on player behavior.

I don’t blame players one bit for acting to maximize their own resources vs. time invested. I blame the system itself for creating a situation where 3 members of a guild having an off week cause the guild as a whole to miss a top mark. A system in which falling 1 gold short of the magic mark in donations can cost the entire guild a game-wide buff.

It’s killed the possibility of running a high-end casual guild. Turned the entire guild/player dynamic into a sterile two-value system: Gold/wk and Seals/wk.


This shouldn’t be a thing…

And before it was Trophies and Gold. Now it’s Trophies, Gold, & Seals.

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You talk about 1000 gem keys as if they’re pocket change. That’s kind of my point. :wink:

I used to have a HoF coach who said, “don’t let it get to you if I’m yelling at you. It just means that I care. Now if I should stop yelling? Yeah, worry.” :+1:

I don’t hate this game. At all. If I did I wouldn’t be here hoping that my (and others’) input could make things better.

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So we agree there’s a problem. Your solution involves changing human nature, and mine the system that is in place and has not always been in place. I’ll stick with my side of things.

Nevermind. We’re not having the same conversation.

I’m sure that’s how the Devs feel too.

It’s all about moving this game forward one way or another. :+1:

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We have the same requirements as most of the top guilds. 300 trophies, 300K, 1500 seals. You’re dramatically underestimating people’s perceived difference between #30 and #10. Whether it’s wanted rewards, prestige, or just pure ego people leave. It certainly isn’t because our guild is any less dedicated.

In fact, I asked a guild leader this week. In the interest of discretion, I will just say that everybody here knows this guild, they’re quite successful. They have the same requirements we do and not only that, they complete 3-4 tasks a week just like we do. That information didn’t stop one of our members from leaving anyway. Because being in #10 is just cooler than #30 for whatever reason.

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@htismaqe: Right, so all things being equal people will pick the #10 guild over the #30 guild. Why’s that a surprise?

@Tard_Carnival: It’s not the dev team’s job to give out participation Trophies. Work hard as a guild and earn your keep.

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The difference between #10 and #30 on console is huge. You guys may be on different platforms.

Yeah i’m not reading anything in your post that a Dev could help solve. It’s on your guild to get to #10 instead of #30 to recruit more players. Just honestly.

The top talent in this game is almost always going to go to a top guild. You have to make sure that guild is yours, if you all care about that sort of thing. If you don’t, then you can’t complain about how things turn out.

This is why the existence or non-existence of legendary tasks is a moot point. Nothing the devs do will change that mentality.


Because my guild losing a player like that means a big recruiting effort, which takes away from you know, actually playing the game, or we can’t maintain the level of rewards we are getting. And we spend all that time to get a player that can contribute successfully only to lose them a week later.

The guild update was supposed to even things out a bit. It hasn’t. Just go read the “100 things you wish you knew” thread, or check the advice offered to newer players. If one wants to get the best possible experience collecting what this game has to offer, they not only HAVE to be in a guild, they really need to be in a top guild.

Improving modestly the payouts for legendary tasks would mean a TON to guilds like mine that have to scrape to complete 1 or 2 a week.

Sounds good in theory but in reality, we know that there’s no way that’s possible with the way the game plays now. Hopefully guild wars will address it.