King Bone Dragon missing trait

Platform, device version and operating system:
PC Windows 10 and android version at least, which are the systems i play. I do not know if it affects XBox, PS4, or IOS operating systems but it probably does.

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
While Playing against King Bone Dragon in the current Dungeon one of its traits was not shown properly. The second trait is listed as [TRAIT_CURSED] [TRAIT_CURSED_DESC].

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Each time I attack King Bone Dragon.
Steps to make it happen again
Play against King Bone Dragon in current dungeon.

Hey, thanks for letting us know about this, we’ll look into it.

Do you have the same problem with your normal Bone Dragon?

No the Bone Dragon is normal.

I can confirm that this is only a placeholder_string bug.
It also happens in Delve levels, and the bug is already known.

Sorry I’m late replying, I let the localisation team know about this so if it’s not fixed already hopefully it will be soon.


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