Is there a reason why my difficulty keeps reverting back to Warlord 4?

That’s not what I’m meant, I’m talking about the bug in the game where it resets the difficulty back to what it was before you changed it.

You’re on difficulty Warlord IV.
Go to difficulty, change it to Warlord III.
Leave the difficulty, notice the correct Warlord III in the top left.
Go do a challenge, and after the match, notice how the difficulty is back on Warlord IV.

I have seen this bug on PC, Mobile and PS4, with the worst occurrence of it being in an arena battle, that kept resetting to Warlord II, when I kept selecting Normal (on PS4).

EDIT: To clarify, I’m not asking for any fixed difficulty, just for a fix of the bug.
I’m trying to 100% reproduce the issue, but of course, now it’s not happening =/

im perfectly aware of the bug,

i was saying that there is no way to “easy fix” it, as you suggested there:

i tried to explain what would happen if that kind of code would be implemented?

if you play on pc/mobile try to change difficulty at android device and the new difficulty should be applied … if the console… well then will need to wait for an actual fix …

Breakpoints are tags you put in the code that will halt the game and switch to the code on that line, when ran in debug mode. Only the developers can do this.

If we (the players) can find a way to 100% reproduce the issue (aka a number of steps you have to do, to always make the issue appear). Then the developers can repeat these steps in debug mode, and catch the line in the code that’s causing the issue.