The issue described by Slotharingia seems to indicate an issue with the daily counter reaching 10 and no long generating battle crashers, hence no chance for the counter to self-correct.
So, a counter created to assist people who are not tracking the count themselves, actually introduced a new issue. Hmmm what are the chances?
I didn’t dislike the previous Kingdom Pass length, but I am enjoying the shorter one more.
I bought all previous Kingdom Passes and will continue to do so, the length of them won’t affect my spending.
In before new bug report about “10th battlecrasher of the day doesn’t appear”.
Personally, I have noticed that the appearance of a battlecrasher may be seeded to some degree, i.e. if a battlecrasher appears in battle and I quit out, it seems to always appear again when re-attempting that battle. Unfortunately this is not enough details to be useful, further investigation may be needed.
Do you also buy the Royal Pass? That one is seriously hampered by the shortened length, you now get a lot less rewards for the same amount of money spent.
While it would be nice if they made it cheaper, I still think the price is okay even with fewer rewards.
I get the bonuses from the kingdom earlier, and a lot of annoyance and pressure was taken off. I’d gladly take that over many weeks of KP.
The player base they make content for is not the one that continues to pay no matter what. Most of the whales are completely unaffected by single player content and could care less about any changes outside of PvP or GW. Give them an option to pay, they already have the CC info autofilled. They’re not listening to all the filthy casuals anyway
I think it’s funny saying it’s too short when the reason for the change was us saying it was too long.
No problem with this crappy event only running for two weeks or with the (allegedly) “flat” encounter chance of the battlecrashers.
The problem is the fact that you have to play daily, nearly can’t afford to have a “inactive day” and can’t make up for unfound battlecrashers from previous days.
Would’ve been easy to implement this as a change, it is possible in the other events or campaign - (but obviously not quite randomly!) they’ve decided to instead make this another (small and steady) gem sink for people that can’t fully finish the event anymore due to some missed battlecrashers in the short event runtime. You could argue that this is just another “dirty change” since it fits the pattern the devs follow up on since a few years now - where the goal is to just drain the gem amounts of all players - or at least keep them down.
The devs are like genies - you have to be very careful with what you wish for.
They did what we asked. They made it much shorter, two weeks, they made BCs give double the crowns for everyone (not just paying players as was suggested), they added a daily counter.
I personally don’t care about the extra rewards at the end. I’ll play 1h more during vault and have quadruple that.
I get that people are worried about missing out when not playing daily - So what do we want?
Leave everything exactly as is but add another week at the end?
For me the would add pressure again. My own fault, I can leave rewards on the table. But that’s just me.
What players really want is no restrictions/limitations at all.
We’d like to have the option to just finish such crap events during day1 and never have to look at it again. As previously said the extra rewards at the end - who cares. But instead we’re “blessed” with daily limitations of battlecrashers that don’t even accumulate so you can’t possibly “play it all” at “the last day” - thx for nothing…
devs know exactly “what they did here” and “why”. all on purpose. this truly is the case:
For me is still to expensive.
Yeah, that’s definitely not going to happen though I agree, that would be nice. Let me get as many crashers as I want up to an event maximum (so everyone can get the same amounts of rewards of they get all of them) from day one.
But of course they want us to play daily, don’t want the events to end so quickly, and want us to spend gems if we want to get the troops and weapons etc. faster or if we miss something (hence no accumulation, either - which we graciously get for world events and such).
Yes, I feel we’re being robbed. The Kingdom Pass being short is OK, but someone didn’t figure out the points. Even if you’ve gotten all the battle crashers and never missed a day, the Royal Pass is useless. You wouldn’t benefit from it. What? Spend gems? Gosh! Why is simple stuff like this not being looked at? (I can feel those who don’t pay for this laughing at me
) Dang man.
Okay, let’s run with that. With a total of 280 crowns farmable over 2 weeks, at 4 / tier you would need 49*4 = 196 total crowns to max out the reward track, leaving a total of 84 bonus crowns (aka. 21 bonus rewards or 4.2 days you can miss).
Okay. The obvious difference is, previously, if you miss an entire day, you missed 2 reward tiers (at 100 Gems/skip), currently it’s 4 reward tiers (still 100 Gems/skip), and under your idea it’d be 5 reward tiers.
Not judging whether it’d be “better” or “worse” this way, though – just trying to catalogue all the effects.
Maybe they should have left it as is, but have the battle crasher appear everywhere. I think the complaint that it’s “grindy” is due to the fact that if you have to do daily events, guild events etc AND then loads of Explore/PvP battles, it becomes very time-consuming and lots of people just don’t have that amount of time at their disposal, so it gets annoying.
I feel thats just a lack of priority. No one is making you chase battlecrashers. Its up to the player to decide which activites are worth doing every day.
I can agree to that. It just took way too much grind to get the battlecrashers before. If they went back to the old design and just made battlecrashers more frequent I wouldn’t have had a problem.
I don’t find the “no one is making you do x” a very poignant argument. No one makes you play the game at all, so no one should provide any feedback, by that logic.
The entire game is grindy. There’s not really any logic behind the battlecrashers being everywhere either.
Why don’t event medals work everywhere for the week?
Why cant i earn dragonite from every activity?
Why can’t i earn ingots from battles everywhere not just in pvp?
Why don’t Nysha tokens drop from every level of explore not just 10+?
And with the game already being so grindy, adding more grind onto it isn’t the best idea - especially if the grind is linked to a pass they want people to pay for.
I’m personally fine with how it is now. Feels way less like a burden.