[Investigating] Was banned again (Underworld Problem)

Didn’t you say that you adjusted the hacking problem?

Why am I banned again? Is it not allowed to play Underworld quickly with a one shot team?

I think I only played until level 280 on purpose because I knew it would happen again. Why can’t you get it under control? And I hope I get free right away and not again in 2-4 Weeks. Thanks

Especially since I play on PlayStation 5 and I don’t even know how to hack and I have the Treasure Hoard at level 1000. The Fight starts straight away, casting spells because of the explosion… and so on, you know how it goes



One of the most dedicated players gets banned for having a faction hoard level too high? Sheffield had to deal with having too much gold and now this?

If there are limits in the game that identify too many resources or levels as being “too much,” then at least let us know what they are! It’s because of things like this that the player base keeps declining. A lot of disrespect to your most committed players using outdated bots is an issue that needs to be addressed.

I’m an end gamer as well and am waiting to be banned for having too many souls. I can’t get rid of them like donating gold into legendary tasks. So many quality of life changes need to be improved but everything is ignored…round and round we go…:beer:


I’m def here for the first “soul ban” :laughing:

Seriously tho if the autobots are (unintentionally I hope) triggered to ban based on natural Kraken evolution that’s a travishamockery.

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If only there was a way to appeal bans where the devs actually LOOKED at what you said instead of immediately making that message the absolute lowest (stated explicitly by dev in the past) and then basically just ignoring it. I waited 7 MONTHS for a forum ban to be even acknowledged by them only to be told it was permanent with no other explanation. You know like every other game does. But as I’ve said time and again now, your account is entirely at their whim and mercy. I wish you the best of luck


I utilise souls in the Soulforge: Minor Traitstones → Major Traitstones, Major Traitstones → Minor Traitstones, repeat


I guess that’s one way to get rid of souls. I’ll probably do that to avoid a “soulforge ban.”

I wish that trait stones and ingots could be broken down into gold or something else. Ideally, every resource should be able to be “reforged” into something that we could make use of when we no longer need said resource.

The soulforge is honestly one of the only reliable ways to make progress in a game riddled with rng garbage. But a soulforge rework patch(s) with player consideration and feedback? I know that’s a dream that will die in these forums…


Every message pointing out the developers’ incompetence and the game’s problems is deleted, resulting in a warning that it violates community guidelines.
the point of view of end gamers is not taken into consideration.
Nobody wants to do hours of pvp for little or no rewards but they don’t care, they treat us like subjects ready to be punished and taxed at every new event.


That’s a really good idea which means of course devs won’t ever listen and implement it

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Really sad, you love the Game and you do everything to work towards a Goal. Hoard level 1000 for example or maximize Kingdoms or get all troops to Gold and so on. So that lots of endgamers like us stay and maybe support the Developers a little with Money. The only bad thing is that they always take too long to answer or in this case to lift the ban immediately. :rage:
and I miss content during this period.



Oh, the sweet sweet quote from March 2022 which was found to be totally and utterly outdated and not reflecting reality as far back as December 2022. That same December 2022 some people might remember as bangate, some might recall it as Krinklegate…when they had to admit that cheater account banning was practically being done by automated bot without human supervision. And we got to know it only because of gross bot misconfiguration that led to large scale bans across all platforms somewhat involving certain troop under certain name.
Just like they hadn’t told their bot that said troop was legal, they - I strongly suspect - still haven’t told that playing with hoard 1000 (which they themselves put into the game) and numerous potions of power (which they themselves out into the game and allowed to be bought repeatedly until cows come home) with all the consequences in how fast one can clear delves of any level is perfectly fine and legal. Bot just blindly does what bots do and somebody who might supervise is having a grand time throwing spitballs at the ceiling. What a hoot.

Anyhow, @Kafka , this touching slightly different matter (though, I expect complete radio silence and ignore mode)…this is my current gold stash.

You might notice there is still almost 700 million gold to go until the game throws me out and powers running it label me a cheater because nobody can amass that much gold legally. Don’t you worry too much - when I’m about 50 million below the deadly threshold I’ll start gifting legendary tasks among guild in my family and, hopefully, everything will be fine.
It will take a while, likely more than a year, so - sometime in 2026…you have a window of opportunity to give the community clear and unambiguous answer whether the devs have done anything at all to solve this critical issue? You’ve been looking into it since before 7.3 update already…
Also, at what size of my stash should I expect warning message suggesting me I spend my gold or get locked out of the game?

Or has that also fallen through cracks and haven’t even been looked into?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Question for dragons - If you have a hoard of gold this thread is for you!

Bumping since two Xbox Krakens were also improperly “autobanned” for “hacking”

Y’all need to fix this asap.

Couldnt agree more. Ive done enough pvp to get the goal and thats it. I did 560k last season. But they changed nothing.

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my friend, Rob, guild manager of The Unforgiven on Xbox has been wrongfully banned for “hacking”
Please help with this matter, it is way too easy to report players with how it currently is, I understand you want “clean” fun, there needs to be more involved with this, if it is a mistake on your end, mistakes are understandable , we need help, Please consider, for many of my friends

Hi all,

The team are investigating this right now and I’m about to start working backwards through the cheating bans to review them.

I’ll post again later today, I’m aiming to update you here before weekly reset (7am GMT), I just wanted to let you know we’re looking at it right now before I dived into it as I will be quiet here while working on it.


@Kafka, If there are limits in the game that the cheating software detects, we need to know about them and what is being done to prevent wrongful bans.

Gold has to dumped in legendary tasks to avoid bans from having too much gold.
Faction hoard levels being too high (level 1,000), seems like the devs never intended for anyone to reach that level, so they mistakenly ban people for it.

What is there to be said about other resources? Ingots, trait stones and souls are piling up with no meaningful way to get rid of them. Are players going to be wrongfully banned for these resources or other things?

I understand that GOW needs automated software to detect cheating, but you are wrongfully accusing some of the most dedicated players.


Not the first time this happens: first you claimed there were no automated bans, and then Krinklemess happened proving that was false…

…then you claimed bans would go through humans moving forward to avoid the same issue arising with automated bans, yet here we are again.
:zipper_mouth_face: :vulcan_salute:


Only fact here is, they love to BS us I’m afraid. As long as people are spending money on the game, they don’t care.

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I have just logged in several times and seem to have been unlocked again recently. Thank you very much for making it quicker this time. BUT What about the troop that I couldn’t get over the weekend and how will autobans work in the future? @Kafka