INFINITE WARGS Bug ++++ Maugrim Woods update of Kerberos (and Wargs)

Thank you Nimhain!

In the meantime, can we all have 4 traited Kerbs for fun! :slight_smile:


That is correct for the warg, but if the warg is untraited. Pack Master shouldnā€™t be able to trigger.

Maybe, as Nimhain says, they are looking into it (because the Warg/Kerb trait is bugged or OP)?

Well something me be wrong cause people saying it is 100%

I think those wargs were summoned from Gate Guardian trait, though there was no Kerberos left (or there was Kerberos but warg was overlap its place). So I guess the bug is laying on ā€œGate Guardianā€ trait. I hope devs fix it soon before it spread and become cancer lol.

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Yes even if wargs are not traited they produce more wargs when they die. Endless loops

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Weā€™re working on getting fixes out soon guys.


Hey guys, in case you havenā€™t seen, we have posted an update about the Maugrim Woods rework here: Maugrim Woods Kingdom Rework... Rework - #3 by Nimhain

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Nimhain, thank you for immediately investigating this one and making a few quick updates!


Kerberos summoning ghouls after hi was killed three turns ago.Looks like Kerberos Gate Guardian trait still affect board from hell ( PS 4)

Wanted to give a big SHOUT OUT !!! To the Devs for pouncing on this and fixing it Immediately! :smiley:

Just fought a fully traited troops: Kerberos, Kerberos, Forest Guardian, Kerberos.

Yes, itā€™s powerful, but this time it only spawned 4 or 5 extra Wargs in total. Forest Guardian is powerful! Nice. :smiley:

I just fought a starting lineup of four Kerberoses (Kerberii?) less than an hour ago and the warg spawned infinitely. AOE would kill all four at once and the (long dead) Kerberoses would bring them all right back. Finally gave up and retreated after killing about 80 of them.

So, if it was fixed it was in the last half hour or so.

Interesting. Letā€™s me see if I can play it again. Will report backā€¦

I donā€™t think itā€™s fixed yet.

Are no devs going to address this CLEARLY ongoing issue?
A lot of people in the last 8 hours have reported wargs respawning at an unreasonable rate in comparison to the claim of the third trait.

Very disappointed.

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I got 5 extra Wargs against the first opponent, and 8 extra Wargs the second time.

Its very tedious and generally problematic to the meta still but it seems better to me than last night when it was infinite for me. Let me try a 3rd deck.


OK. This is the 3rd match against 3 Kerbs and a Forest Guardian. This deck resulted in ZERO extra Wargs, so that part of the bug is resolved for me.

3rd Deck: Khorvash, Khorvash, Valkyrie, Spirit Fox. This is one of NowayJoe2Goā€™s Favorite control decks! :smiley:

I made sure each Kerberos was Stunned prior to Kill. ZERO Wargs spawned.

To be clear, I donā€™t support this change to the meta.

Kerberos should only trigger itself on death. Same with Warg. The fact that multiple Kerbs. and Wargs. can trigger when 1 dies is like a Feeding Frenzy and its definately bad for the meta game as it slows PvP to a Halt and Seals are hard enough to come by IMO.


Itā€™s not fixed at all.

I have a ghost Kerberos (possibly more) whose traits are being activated all the timeā€¦

Definitely not fixed.

Those of you that are reporting it is fixed are experiencing is the 31% of the time gate guardian doesnā€™t trigger on at least one of the Kerberos to glitch the first slot. What is happening is the on ally death summon is summoning the troop into the slot before the traits are cleaned up. This permanently glitches the slot so that anything in the slot uses the Gate Guardian trait. If you manage to kill one of the Kerberos without triggering Gate Guardian, then your next kill must summon at least two Wargs from the remaining three Kerberos for the second slot. If you are lucky enough, you can completely sidestep the glitch and just deal with the normal on-death summons. However, if you do happen to glitch the first slot, you have an even higher chance to glitch the second slot, since the first Warg can now trigger both Gate Guardian and Pack Master.

The more glitched wargs you have out, the longer it will take to clear the team. Get rid of the Kerberosā€™ first, if possible, since each one that dies has about a 30% chance of not glitching the slot, making the entire battle much faster to finish. Stunning all the Kerberos before you start killing them appears to be effective, since the living ones that are stunned will, at least, not trigger Gate Guardian.

Gate guardian still triggers for me even after Kerberos has died and gone back to meet its master.

Wargs coming from beyond the grave.

Killed 58 of them in my last fight and got 1116 XP!