Important: what does Todd Greenwood say?

So this weeks quest is a Todd Greenwood show, and as you do, I’m casting Todd Greenwood over, and over, and over, and over, and over, again.

Here’s my problem: I have the volume on. And when you use a card, there’s a little catch phrase. Now I’ve heard Todd’s insanely annoying catch phrase probably about a million times but I can’t pick out what the words are. As near as I can tell it is:

“Try to run, you can pick your OWN gang”.

Can anyone help? I’ve had this stuck in my head all day and I can’t even guess what he is supposed to be saying.

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I believe it’s “Try to run, and you’re dead” – Crimson Arrow uses the same quip.


“Try to nerf, you devs”? :laughing:


Do all the troops have voicelines??? I never play with the sound on.

They do, but they keep re-using the same handful of clips over and over again. I can’t even recall the last time I heard a troop with a new line.

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All troops have three audio FX - one for adding them to your team via the “Recruit” button (note to touchscreen users: this does not play via click-and-drag), one for casting spells, and one death scream.

Legendary and Mythic Troops may have unique audio FX, but most troops pick from a shared library.


Not Todd but feels relevant. Silly GoW t-shirt ideas from 5 years ago

M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-MANA SURGE

We have a slack bot that just sporadically yells “MANA SURGE” into our slack channels


Thanks all. I can totally hear “dead” now at the end, but there seems to be a lot of syllables between it and try to run.

PS, in case anyone cares, pretty sure Wrath says “I want a hot dog”.

Can’t forget good ol’ mana surge from when I used to play with sounds on years ago :joy: T-Shirt is still brilliant

i have played muted for about 2 years

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I think I’ve been playing muted since I started playing on January 1st 2020. :joy:

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i think this says alot… they can cut their sound budget

Todd greenwood says

And now from sports news network here’s Todd greenwood :rofl:


But… What does the fox say? :grin:

random Vulpacean: “Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?”

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This post prompted me to play with the sound on a bit for the first time in a long time, and I heard a lot of troops I’ve never heard before

Any Metalocalypse fans out there? The sound Court Jester makes reminded me of Dr Rockso :joy: :clown_face:

This isn’t funny anymore.

he is saying his eulogy

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