Hello everyone. I’m a relatively new player that has been playing for a few weeks now. I’m active every day. I’m level 96 right now. I’ve been getting only around 200 trophies, but that’s because I get about half way through and I realize that I want to improve my troops, so I work on that for a while. I have opened all of the kingdoms, so I’ll now be able to contribute gold every week. At least 25k right now, but that will definitely improve over time, as will the trophies.
I’m not looking for a top guild, I’m looking for a mid-level guild that I can grow with. One that’s active. Right now I’m with a random guild that I chose just so I can get the bonuses. There are around 4 people out of 30 that are active and I’m the second most active. So I’m just looking for a reasonably active, friendly guild.
If I’m for you, please contact me. Thanks!