I need a guild - GW requirement desired

I’m currently at level 596 and play every day. Hoping to join an active guild that requires members to play Guild Wars daily. I play on mobile and usually donate 150-200K gold per week, trophies varies but will see what is required to stay. Hoping for a guild in the top 150 or higher. My invite code is HEYU922


We have a waiting list for The Unholy Family of guilds, we are comprised of 3 different guilds for different levels of play and do GW or it is optional but preferred depending on the guild

you can join our discord server at
i.Join our Discord server: The Unholy Family

Thanks for the invite, not much of a chatter, but read chats regularly. Looking to join a guild right away without a waitlist preferably.

we are a guild family of 3-4 guilds and I am not sure what the admins have on our transfer roster, they can always lead you in a great direction

Our guild is Siedlerpartie - rank 105, gw bracket 8 and currently one spot free.

We have no minimum contributions, but guild war battles should be played.
All statues 100+, a lot of players from Austria and Germany but otherwise mixed.
Chat German/English.

Post your invite code and the open spot is yours.

Cheers Nick

Just saw your invite code above.

Are you interested?

I case you are in a guild at the moment you have to leave before the invite can be sent.

Hey heyu922!
Mean Machine has a spot open currently.
We are rank 24 and normally in GW brackets 1-2.
Our reqs are daily GWs, 400k Gold, 1300 seals and 200 trophies. Let me know please if you are interested! Thanks