Homebound Recruiting! Rank #49 GW Bracket 4, 15 LT's ,30/30 closed for now

We are nice! :yum:
Join our team!

I just made a strawberry rhubarb pie, I am sure someone has some punch. Punch and pie.

im down for joining, im only lvl 720 but im rapidly progressing and i always max seals, contribute around 700-800k weekly and always do guild wars i havent played in well over a year so im not sure what the newer things are.


if so my name is carnrikejesse

says you are in another guild, if still interested, please leave the guild an i will resend.

yep one sec

give like 5 min in an arena run

sounds good

ok i left.

Invite sent!

Recruiting open again. come on ride this train, you can ride it

We have a great group of people, join us!

Join us! Daily discussions on our discord about team design, events and all the new content.

Also, a surprising amount of discussion about Ice Cream.

i really like ice cream!


Today is a good day to join us.

reach out, let us know your goals. We have a spot for you here.

mid-day check in.

today is still the day!

Homebound wants you.

You are missing out. We have discussed all aspects of Ice Cream.

Active player Looking for competitive guild


We will not have an opening till tomorrow evening, maybe one of the other guilds you mass applied to will get you added sooner.