Head in the Clouds

I think they should make these troops work on hero too. So they will at least get some use after 1 week.

at least another race.

Powerful enough victims seem to have developed an immunity to weak illnesses though. Going by your real-life logic, Poison should only work on troops of lower level than the poisoning one.

It has nothing to do with real life. It has to be with the concept of illness. An illness will look stronger if afecting a stronger character. I think you’re trying to not get it. It is just my view. And in my view poison should work like this, scalling with the troop it affects. Regular spell damage is what scalles with the troop who cast it.

No, it shouldn’t. The game needs incentives to make you upgrade your own troops, not punish you by making them weaker to special effects whenever you do upgrade them. Stacking poison is okay, poison strength based on the troop applying it is okay, fully upgraded Mythic troops keeling over due to a level one Sand Cobra spitting at them is a design mistake best avoided.

I took a moment and thought about real life for me, and how everyone says that I look good or healthy, but I’m almost as sick as they come on the cellular level. You can say that I take one point of True Damage at the start of each turn. :upside_down_face:

Btw, that Carmella troop… when I hear that name, I’m thinkin’ “ricott’ pie.” :slightly_smiling_face:

and here is what I think of hearing the name Carmella. I bought 4 liter of ice cream because of this troop…


And what I think of.

so this is sort of unrelated, but I think it would be interesting if all natural mythics got a 3rd subtype with Boss. Boss killers would actually have some decent use for certain things and things like the Divine Mythic Meta would be slowed down.


That would be an interesting thing to implement. Or maybe hero count as boss too?


I prefer the idea of hero as boss to a “mythic-slayer” troop/trait.

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I can’t believe you just said “according to WolframAlpha” for the most basic Geometric Series.

Some people don’t have 1 + x + x^2 + … = 1/(1-x) committed to memory. Shocking, I know.


Need to have that committed to memory? Not expected. Need to recall that the formula exists and is super easy to search up? That would be nice.

Recall that a half plus a fourth plus an eighth, etc. sums to one? Expected of anyone with the math knowledge able to type in the infinite series that was typed into Wolfram Alpha.

Recall that that series sums to something and can easily look up the above info about geometric series? Expected of anyone who has finished a high school math education.

Edit: I mean, Zeno’s Paradox has been around since the 400s B.C.

I don’t expect my readers to all know geometric series, lol. It’s more of a “pics or it didn’t happen” thing.