TLDR : Our score is incorrect each week: the overall score doesn’t match the total of the points of our members.
Another GL has confirmed me to have a similar unexplained difference.
So it is possible that the scores of some other guilds - and maybe some rankings - are erroneous.
Week 1: I have not paid attention to our score.
Week 2: Our score has been 985, 256. Considering how well we had performed on Sunday, it sees to me we should have had 6-7K more points. But I was asleep at the time of the reset and have been unable to check any data.
Week 3: Our score has been 969,294. That number is incorrect. Our score should have been 967,401.
That difference of 1,893 points results from two problems.
→ Friday
We have noticed that one of our members already had a defeat for the war of Saturday! Thanks to that premature defeat, we have started the war of Saturday with already 3 points.
→ Tuesday
There has been a difference of 1,890 that I was unable to explain between the addition of the 30 scores of our members and our overall score.
That week someone had left us and someone has joined us. @Annaerith suggested on another thread that it could be related to them.
However that difference didn’t match with the score that the member who had rejoined us had made the previous week in his previous guild.
And the new GL of the person who had left informed me that she had a similar unexplained difference too… but of 3K points!
Week 4: Our current overall score is 139,431. We should have only 134,391 points!
This time the difference amounts to 5,040 points, but I think I may have a beginning of explanation.
The screen says we have played 144 battles, but in fact we have only played 140 battles.
5,040 = 1,680 x 3.
The difference was initially of 3,360 and has increased after someone finished his 4th battle with a score of 1,680 points. So maybe some battles would be counted twice? But that doesn’t explain why we have a difference of 4 battles and not 3…
It would be nice if some other guilds could check if their scores are correct or if they are having similar problems. If some other guilds are affected, it might have an impact on the rankings.
@Sirrian @Nimhain @Saltypatra Is this a know bug? Is there an explanation? A fix?