Guild wars - Scores are incorrect

I did. We should have 168,079 points. I sent all the screenshots to Salty.

We have 6850 more points right now.
We had 155/150 battles yesterday.
This is getting tiring. Its not the first week of GW and we are polishing bugs. .


My theory is that battles in ranked PvP against players in a guild your guild is battling are being counted as a Guild
War battle with regard to points and battles fought.

Basis for this is we get ranked pvp points for Guild War battles, so there is obviously a link there somehow.


@Aelthwyn , I’ve checked our numbers a lot over the last few days, and sent a bunch of info in last night for the devs. But for the record, right now our individual scores add up to 186,205 but the rankings and attack tab shows 200,485.

Also, I did a quick review of our info after overnight. I was hoping our score would go back closer to what it should be, which would indicate it was programmed in a certain way. However, it didn’t, which suggests (but doesn’t guarantee) that the way it was programmed will continue to get further out of sync as the week goes on. Further, it means that the correlations I found yesterday were only possible since it was day 1 and I could see specific individual numbers. Now that the numbers are bigger and aggregates of multiple days, it simply won’t be possible (in my opinion) for us to actually figure out what’s happening ourselves. So right now it’s back to a total wait’n’see for the devs.

I also briefly took a look at the data for last week. Going to the Rankings tab and selecting “Your Results” button from last week, the total was LOWER than what’s shown in the “Winners” list as our score. Further, 2 of our members who played last week but retired on the off day are not in the list. But if I add the scores they got from our records with all the other individual results, the total is HIGHER than what’s in the “Winners” list. So it doesn’t seem that the scoring calculation problems are just a “during the week” thing that gets reconciled, but instead it looks like it’s off for prior weeks too.

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Strangely, for us, apart from the defeat before the war had started last week, the bugs seem to happen only on the first day of the GW week.
For the moment, our score for the war of today is perfectly correct and the number of battles we have played is correct too.
Maybe there are different kinds of problem at stake?

With the new update there are again problems wirth the GW scores.

You all take this too seriously. It just a game ! And GW is not that important or fun anyway. Just relax and not cry over such petty things. Do you think devs want headache over this things ?

Trololololol lo lo lo lo sing the ancient troll time carol trololololol lo lo lo lo

That event was last week brudda. We’ve moved on to “Daughters of Orion”. XD

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