I made my own guild, so hopefully some players are interested in joining
Leader (me) is level 133, very active, with a highly effective monster team rampaging through invasions
You’ll get lots of Glory Keys, Gems, Maps AND Souls!
As well as ever-rising power bonusses
Maybe You want join forces with Birch Team? I can give You second in command status of course if U beat a member by your number of trophies per week
I do get up to around 100-200 trophies per week and spend around 100-200k gold per week… but I do also tend to take longer breaks, especially when I’m done with Xbox Achievements and other goals I’ve set for myself on the game. Besides hunting achievements, I have those times where I play a game quite fanatically and then take a break from it for a few weeks or months, just to come back and return to this fanatic state
So I’m afraid I’m not quite fitting for your guild to join for good, huh?
Yes thx for sincere answer