Guild "agreement" in bracket1 to arrange scores

Yes thank you. Blessed as i am with the power to understand simple sentences i am well aware of what he was talking about.

Thank you tho for attempting to help me with understanding things. The next time my wife says some stuff i dont understand you will be who i call upon for assistance.

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No topic here is guilds colluding to affect GW scores


You’re welcome :wink: .

Yeah that’s why I advice @Ivar to make a new thread about “in-game polls”.

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RE: Finding Data
I assume they are using the unofficial, unsupported API that Sam found a long time ago.

Sirrian’s final statement on it is in the last post.

TLDR: It isn’t hacking. But, you should probably avoid using it.

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Before today it was not considered cheating by the developers. Going forward we are going to put up harder defenses.

Right. So we’re advising you to make a new thread on Server data. I’m trying to understand the miscommunication here. Can you help me out?

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Oooookay. I get it. @Ashasekayi’s answer is enough for me.

You can continue freely you’re bashing :wink: .

No bashing, just trying to keep thread integrity, I’m sure you understand.


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Do you have the week before or after the one you are showing, and will you please post? Thank you kindly

I think that all parts involved have said their reasons and explanations.

I have only one question: if some guilds knew that alliances were allowed for GW before the start of GW, and the devs clearly not denied them, why don’t make this info public so every guild could chose to using alliances or not?

Even if I guess that some of the replies will be “if you have an info that gives you an advantage, will you make it public?”

In my opinion that is not a strategic info, but about GW rules

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Using alliances. Yikes. We all know it was a way to gain more points and unfairly move up in the ranks past Guilds that were playing as the game was intended to be played.


My guild is not listed in Bracket One for week 17 because the cheating Guilds, ones that we had easily beaten, moved up past ours in an unfair manner by colluding to obtain more points than they earned. Enough said.

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This thread and most of the replies are an answer… no?
Why making a thread to be insulted?

You do not deserve to be in Bracket One because you do not play better than 10 other Guilds. You cheated. That is all.


So bad that you didn’t easily beat the 5 others guilds :wink: .

We are a rank 33 guild that has been in Bracket One most of the entire Guild Wars. We are proud we did it without cheating.

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You will never have my respect. I will never care if I have yours.


@turintuor you didn’t answer my question. The devs have said officially that, going forward, collusion will be viewed as cheating. Does your guild intend to stop?


@Saltypatra this thread is achieving nothing useful now… suggest time it goes…

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