GoW music topic

One more from Diabolica

melodic black metal


Not a bad one.

One back at ya!


just gonna leave my Youtube username Lieutenant RangerWolf

look up StormFrost asd

Chase Tribute - Good Things fall apart
Has great artwork of Chase from paw patrol.

Video just released today!


Citizen Soldier- If You’re still breathing, Always December,Isolate, Would anyone care.
Forensic- Human,Relentless, Adam’s Song, BlueLine Soldiers.
BMike- TW: Baby don’t cut (I listen to the gacha version every night it keeps me from my pychosis telling TW: bad things)

Anyone were lucky and went to a Hot Tuna concert?

Popping into this thread for a 5 second breather after 2 hours of hyper focus on CX stuffs.

My playlist today has been Seether, Jimmy Eat World, All Time Low, Stone Sour…

But here’s a song I had a minor obsession with awhile ago, found this artist on tiktok!


Steve Vai? Check out his song “Speeding”. It’s essentially a long guitar solo.

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What I have to listen to to get my brain focused on a Monday, just anything Darksynth/Cybersynth

Did it work?


Funny :sweat_smile:

I was into a lot of different kind of music, hip-hop, soft/classic/hard rock, grunge, alternative, Rythem and Blues, house, techno, jungle, salsa,
reggaeton, merengue (oh brother my list is way long so let me cut it short) and of course jazz :trumpet:.

Who can guess these lyrics without Google :rofl::

And I feel that time’s a wasted go

So where ya goin’ 'til tomorrow?

And I see that these are lies to come

So would you even care?


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This is your sign- Citizen Soldier
Hate myself -Citizen Soldier
Reaper-Citizen Soldier
Golden Hour-JVKE

Possessed by this song

I really like this. Thanks for showing me. I have a MIDI workstation set up and I might try to make stuff like this

Newer gets old… :man_dancing: :dancer:

This song was on the radio yesterday and I have been singing it non-stop! So good, what a band!

I listen to a wide variety, from spiritual New Age all the way to satanic metal, nearly anything that’s not mainstream. But a really popular album that everyone in my neck of the woods (FWIW I’m a streamer as well) really likes would be:

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This is what I’ve been listening to yesterday/today. Might go something a bit more lively this arvo.

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