Goodbye prismatic orb!

Thanks for the response @Nimhain! (I like your new icon btw ;))

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I like this idea a lot (I clicked like 3 times, but it only registered once :smiley: ). I think it should scale off magic, but maybe at half value or so. Something on the weapon scaling off magic seems like it would be needed just to keep it in line with the other weapons. Since it is a gem spammer and not a gem transmuter you can’t actually guarantee any mana out of it. If it added a little directly as well I think it would fit very well with the theme. Here is a little mana for ya, oh and look I put the gems in the right place, so have some more! Since it seems to be used primarily in duplicative color teams that would also allow for spillover so the mana and gem creation wouldn’t necessarily step on each other.


How long have you been playing this, seeing the efforts the devs make and yet still post this emotional abuse?

Seems an unhelpful gesture to me - not sure what you’ll achieve with your stand. Better to articulate views for or against changes.

Thank you @Nimhain for taking the time to share this. My instinctive reaction is that down to 8 gems feels a bit too harsh, combined with the mana cost… but will run with it for a while. 8 gems seems a little low for a legendary gem-spammer…

As one of the regulars that was previously suggesting the Orb needed balancing down, I am pleased to see it being addressed. The extent of the change is a little surprising - but to be fair, the 3x(insert troop name) plus Orb team was getting rather dull to see so often…


Eh, I guess the thing I keep coming back to is the fact that other gem spamming troops (who can also get kingdom/troop type bonuses) are better gem spammers for less mana. I mentioned the Goblin Shaman previously, but Celestasia is another great example. Creates 10 gems compared to 8 for the new Orb, adds 7 life compared to 9 armor (for my level 228 hero, anyway), AND cleanses the ally, all for a meager 12 mana compared to the Orb’s most-expensive-spell-I-have 20. Meanwhile, Celestasia is nearly as beefy (6 less in combined health/armor), and has more attack by 2.

And sure, other gem spammers don’t get to use any color mana, but I don’t think 8 more mana cost is really fair for that trade. Heck, if Celestasia or the Shaman are working off of any bonus mana of their type, +1 or +2, they’ll be charged in 3 rounds; 2 if you get a random surge. At a cost of 20, it would take four rounds at minimum assuming you have a +2 bonus to the mana type you’re getting, absent surges. It’s just not that hard to find a match when there are two mana types to choose from.

Is it still usable? Yeah, but no more so than the other gem spammers, so why give up potential bonus stats? I get what the developers were trying to do here, I just think it was overkill.


I play gow from its first day appearing on steam.

Hmm, you edited out the original response with “Childish.”. :slight_smile: Though I absolutely accept that (probably in a very different sense you meant). Children still know that the aim of the game is having fun. And just stop playing as soon as the fun is gone.

Then most of them lose sense in order to look socialized or start to fall to some common misthinking pattern like sunken costs.

I certainly achieve with my stand conserving my time to something better.

Also it COULD be useful feedback to the team of devs too if they have any open ears left – after closing a fat topic at the very moment arguments on their side grew thin implies otherwise, but it might be just coincidence. (yeah, being overly naive is another childish attribute. :wink:

I’m actually with Pasa on this one. This is more of a personal thing, some people value more the things they have achieve on the game, the time they have spend on it or the actual ranking they have developed in-game wide (Like being part of a top 10 guilld?) Some people just don’t care and can leave the game when they have actually saw everything it has to offer or the fun is just not there anymore.

I don’t think theres anything childish on his way of thinking and yes, may be something rude to mention like that (Maybe could add useless since none care about him or anyone leaving), but am pretty sure it’s something devs should here, after all, the more happy the community is, the more the game will be still played.

I will not go that far, dropping the game is something I don’t wanna do just now, since actually I’m really excited about the new features and see what’s the new path the game takes on, but… As it is right now the game is just meh, to much nerfs, taking away a lot from the troops I use to enjoy, right now theres only a lot of troops I don’t really like to play with. Then again, this is only from my own point of view, some people may be actually like more now than from the Webspinner era, which is totally okay.
I’ll continue to play just to meet the min guild quota and waiting for the 1.0.8 I guess future will tell…

Dropping a high rank guild or a long time played game is something am pretty used to.

RIP Prismatic Orb, Winned to death.

Soooo is anyone using this weapon anymore? I’m not, it’s too dangerous, I feel like your end up giving the opponent a 4 match every time you use it. I switched my skeleton team to
Green slime
Slower, but still fun!

I’m still messing around with it on my construct team, but I am pretty busy in the early part of the week so I haven’t had much chance to really see if it’s still worth using yet.

I’ve encountered it on a 3xGreen Slime + Prismatic defense team.

It was annoying to face, but nothing like before the change.

The problem is that Orb was the only way to have a hero on the team and still have him be effective. With that nerf Orb gives opponent way too high of a chjance for big combos while the bonus is it adds is pretty much useless.

Its not the orbs problem it is generally the pathetic hero and useless weapons problem. Nowadays its easy to tell apart noob from a good player - noob will always have a hero on his team, while a good player - wont. I dont think that devs wanted to make hero a piece of trash but thats what happened. Heros weapons effects are way too bad and card itself doesnt really have much advantages over anything to make one use it over a simple troop as it breaks any kind of team combos.

Now the only weapons to use for the hero are eternal flame and maybe bear totem. But even those two weapons fall apart when you look at much more powerful combos with another troop instead of a hero.

Useless hero and his/her weapons are just part of the problem. Another is guilds still. After the update people stopped contributing gold to the team as everyone are saving it to level up the kingdoms. It is kind of an issue because gold now is the only way to level up the kingdoms. Maybe make it so players can contribute to guild with glory or souls because now souls are kind of pointless. You only need to level up a small bunch of troops while leveling up the rest is just pointless.


We are aware of that recent changes have caused the Hero to drop out of favor (particularly with high level players). We hope to address the issue in the 1.0.9 update.


A little harsh. The noobs don’t use their hero because they’re not ‘good’ players, they’ll mostly be using their heroes because in the early to mid-game the hero is a very strong troop with good stats - they won’t yet have the resources to get lots of strong cards to level 15 to match the hero…

Good idea.

That will soon change. And actually having a larger pool of L15s to call on is useful for setting up more varied/fun teams. True that not all troops need it though…

I’ve found that Skeleton/Skeleton/KoS/Orb is still pretty reliable. The Armour buff is actually handy for the Skeletons, which are fragile. The Orb still charges a Skeleton well. It has really slowed down the team though - which on balance is probably good - it was TOO consistently fast and strong - I found no reason to use any other of my dozens of strong viable teams…

Meeting a 3x(insert troop) + Orb defence team is now a bit of a joke though - whereas it was actually a threat before - to be honest, I think that’s a good thing, as those team set-ups were too mindless and made for repetitive and not-fun game life…

I am not a noob (lev 1000) and eight out of my ten most used teams have a hero. Teams such as anti webspin, goblin crush, true damage, dragons and my favourite madness all rounder team. All of the heroes have synergy with the rest of the team and they all have just about 100% success rate ( I turn in an average 350 trophies pw) so this is really in defense of Heroes ( whats not to love about combined life/arm of 46!) Admittedly my playing style does involve ‘scouting’ so that I can pick the team best suited to the battle but that’s part of the fun. Great ‘hero’ team combos are there - you just have to look for them.

Absolutely. Every now and then the gems don’t create a 4-match, which can be especially dangerous when the enemy also uses purple, but all in all this still works fine. I am not fighting Warlord II difficulty anymore, however. :smile:

You hit 1000? grats!

I also use the hero in a few of my best teams, e.g.




…would like heroes to be better though… and when traits (passive skills) hit, looks like heroes will be left far behind, for a while…

There was some kind of shield (with 10 on it) on the right side of hero’s icon so it might be that hero will be upgradable in some way also?

You need to always consider if the benefits that hero provides is still better than the synergy loss. Usually the benefits of weapons is low - even when we talk of the best weapns compared to similar costing troops.

Yeah my noob comment is harsh and most new pleaysr have to use a hero until they level up the cards that they want to. But once you break through there is no real benefits for hero to be on a team - the effect that hero provides can be replaced by other troops who either have better skill or at very least lower mana cost.

Yeah my go-to team still has the Hero in it with Arrow of Slaying. 16 direct damage is nothing to sneeze at, especially with the Carnex/Gorgontha tag-team to keep that quiver full!

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That was (I think) the indicator of the VIP (shopping loyalty level)… all tbc stuff…

Yea my two most powerful and go to teams still use hero.

Torch, carnex, hobgoblin, behemoth

Sun/moon, ragnagord, hobgoblin, behemoth

These are powerful and fast teams. It’s kind of ridiculous to say that hero is worthless, there are plenty of teams it shines on.