Gnoma-a-Palooza Changes

Last thing from me for a bit…

  • The changes to the encounter rate were easier to deploy, as they only required a server push This meant we could do them on our end without needing a more major update. Also, changing the numbers on a drop rate is very different to fixing a bug, which takes time with reproducing, finding a fix, and deploying that fix. (A fix which often requires a client update.)

  • We have a fix for the double hit skull AI issue, but it requires a client fix. Unfortunately everytime a client fix is made we need to do a new build of the game, and each time we release a new build it must pass certification across all of our platforms. That is the reason we could change the encounter rates quickly, but can’t speed up the release of the fix for the double hit skull AI issue.

I wanted to be transparent about why one thing can be done quickly, while another may take more time.