Ghulvania is the best Kingdom to Explore, prove me wrong

I use [1206,6529,6638,6566,3069,1,2,2,3,2,1,3,14029]

Here is my original post: Speed Explore: The Basics & Breakdown

I didn’t have the team above in that post, but I’ve been using Leprechaun + King Bloodhammer for a long time now and it’s my favorite set up. I much prefer it over Scylla (Bonestorm on 4+ match) or Infernus (burn all on 4 match) or the empowered skull creators (apophisis and fist of zorn).

The Doomstorm on enemy death triggers when you use Zuul’goth, so you don’t need to worry about a bonestorm immediately overwriting your firestorm when you use leprechaun. And King Bloodhammer can absolutely finish off the enemies in the event you lose your hero and Zuul’goth, whereas Scylla can’t.